18526917. BOOT AND UPDATE FROM RUNTIME MERGED IMAGE FRAGMENTS simplified abstract (Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC)

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Organization Name

Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC


Matthaus Alden Wesemann of Redmond WA (US)

Hakki Tunc Bostanci of Redmond WA (US)

Aaron Farmer of Seattle WA (US)

BOOT AND UPDATE FROM RUNTIME MERGED IMAGE FRAGMENTS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18526917 titled 'BOOT AND UPDATE FROM RUNTIME MERGED IMAGE FRAGMENTS

Simplified Explanation

A feature is updated on a computing device by accessing signed composite image files, merging them in-memory, and exposing them as a read-only volume for system boot.

  • The feature update process involves accessing signed composite image files.
  • These files are merged in-memory to create a read-only volume.
  • The read-only volume is used for system boot to implement the updates on the computing device.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Accessing signed composite image files for feature updates.
  • In-memory merging of composite image files.
  • Exposing merged files as a read-only volume.
  • System boot using the read-only volume for implementing updates.

Potential Applications

This technology can be used in:

  • Operating system updates
  • Firmware updates
  • Software installations

Problems Solved

  • Simplifies the process of updating features on computing devices.
  • Ensures the integrity and security of the update files.
  • Facilitates system boot using the read-only volume.


  • Enhanced security through signed composite image files.
  • Efficient feature update process.
  • Reliable system boot using the read-only volume.

Commercial Applications

Title: Secure Feature Update Technology for Computing Devices This technology can be utilized by:

  • Device manufacturers
  • Software developers
  • IT departments for large-scale deployments

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior art related to secure feature updates in computing devices by researching signed containers for software updates and in-memory merging techniques.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay informed about the latest advancements in secure feature update technologies for computing devices by following research on signed containers and in-memory merging processes.

Questions about Secure Feature Update Technology for Computing Devices

How does this technology improve the security of feature updates?

This technology enhances security by using signed composite image files and a read-only volume for system boot, ensuring the integrity of the updates.

What are the potential challenges in implementing this technology on different types of computing devices?

The challenges may include compatibility issues, varying system architectures, and the need for specialized tools for merging composite image files.

Original Abstract Submitted

A feature is updated on a computing device. One or more composite image files are accessed that correspond to updates to be implemented in the computing device. The composite image files are signed containers. A runtime in-memory merge of the composite image files is performed. The merged composite image files are exposed as a read-only volume. The features are made available to the computing device. A system boot using the read-only volume can be initiated.