18524982. DATA STORAGE IN NON-INCLUSIVE CACHE simplified abstract (SiFive, Inc.)

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Organization Name

SiFive, Inc.


Wesley Waylon Terpstra of San Mateo CA (US)

Richard Van of San Jose CA (US)

DATA STORAGE IN NON-INCLUSIVE CACHE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18524982 titled 'DATA STORAGE IN NON-INCLUSIVE CACHE

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes systems and methods for data storage in a non-inclusive cache, where an integrated circuit includes a cache with a databank and an array of cache tags.

  • The cache stores cache lines in the databank and each cache tag contains a data pointer pointing to an entry in the databank.
  • Methods involve allocating entries in the cache by writing data pointers to cache tags in the array.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Data storage in a non-inclusive cache system.
  • Integrated circuit with a cache, databank, and cache tags.
  • Allocation of entries in the cache using data pointers in cache tags.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in various computing systems requiring efficient data storage and retrieval mechanisms.

Problems Solved

  • Efficient data storage in caches.
  • Improved data retrieval performance.
  • Optimal allocation of cache entries.


  • Faster data access.
  • Reduced latency in data retrieval.
  • Enhanced overall system performance.

Commercial Applications

  • High-performance computing systems.
  • Data-intensive applications.
  • Embedded systems requiring fast data access.

Prior Art

Information on prior art related to this technology is not provided in the abstract.

Frequently Updated Research

There is no information on frequently updated research relevant to this technology.

Questions about Data Storage in a Non-Inclusive Cache

What are the key components of the non-inclusive cache system described in the patent application?

The key components include a cache with a databank, multiple cache tags with data pointers, and methods for allocating entries in the cache.

How does the technology improve data storage and retrieval efficiency in computing systems?

The technology enhances data storage and retrieval efficiency by optimizing the allocation of cache entries and improving data access speed.

Original Abstract Submitted

Systems and methods are disclosed for data storage in a non-inclusive cache. For example, an integrated circuit may include a cache that includes a databank with multiple entries configured to store respective cache lines; and an array of cache tags, wherein each cache tag includes a data pointer that points to an entry in the databank. For example, methods may include allocating the entry in the databank to the cache including the array of cache tags from amongst multiple caches in the integrated circuit by writing the data pointer to the cache tag in the array of cache tags.