18521166. Flipped Templates for Reconstruction-Reordered Intra Block Copy simplified abstract (Comcast Cable Communications, LLC)

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Flipped Templates for Reconstruction-Reordered Intra Block Copy

Organization Name

Comcast Cable Communications, LLC


Vasily Alexeevich Rufitskiy of Vladimir (RU)

Alexey Konstantinovich Filippov of Khimki (RU)

Esmael Hejazi Dinan of McLean VA (US)

Flipped Templates for Reconstruction-Reordered Intra Block Copy - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18521166 titled 'Flipped Templates for Reconstruction-Reordered Intra Block Copy

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method for encoding and decoding blocks based on a reference block flipped relative to the current block. The method includes entropy encoding a parameter value indicating whether a reference block matches a predictor value, which is selected from multiple candidates based on associated costs.

  • The innovation involves encoding and decoding blocks using a reference block flipped relative to the current block.
  • The method includes entropy encoding a parameter value indicating whether a reference block matches a predictor value.
  • The predictor value is selected from multiple candidates based on associated costs.
  • Costs are determined by comparing templates of candidate reference blocks with the template of the current block.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in image and video compression algorithms to improve encoding efficiency and reduce file sizes.

Problems Solved

This technology helps in optimizing the encoding and decoding process by selecting the most suitable predictor from multiple candidates, leading to better compression ratios.


- Improved compression efficiency - Reduced file sizes - Enhanced image and video quality

Potential Commercial Applications

This technology could be utilized in various industries such as multimedia, telecommunications, and data storage for more efficient data compression and transmission.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the use of block-based encoding and decoding methods in image and video compression algorithms.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology compare to existing block-based encoding methods?

This article does not provide a direct comparison with existing block-based encoding methods.

What are the specific costs associated with each candidate reference block?

The article does not detail the specific costs associated with each candidate reference block.

Original Abstract Submitted

A current block may be encoded/decoded based on a reference block flipped relative to the current block. An indication of whether a value of a parameter (e.g., a block vector difference) indicating the reference block matches a value of a predictor for the parameter (e.g., a block vector difference predictor) may be entropy encoded. The predictor may be selected from among a plurality of candidates based on costs associated with the plurality of candidates associated with candidate reference blocks. The cost of each candidate may be based on comparisons between a template of a current block and templates of the candidate reference blocks, where the templates of the candidate reference blocks have a shape flipped relative to that of the current block.