18519239. Method and apparatus for assigning image areas from image series to result classes by means of analyte data evaluation system with processing model simplified abstract (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH)

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Method and apparatus for assigning image areas from image series to result classes by means of analyte data evaluation system with processing model

Organization Name

Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH


Manuel Amthor of Jena (DE)

Daniel Haase of Zoellnitz (DE)

Method and apparatus for assigning image areas from image series to result classes by means of analyte data evaluation system with processing model - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18519239 titled 'Method and apparatus for assigning image areas from image series to result classes by means of analyte data evaluation system with processing model

Simplified Explanation

The method described in the patent application involves assigning image areas of an image series to result classes using a processing model trained to assign image areas to a result class. The image series is created by marking analytes with markers in multiple coloring rounds and detecting these markers with a camera. The camera captures an image of the image series in each coloring round, and the markers are selected so that the signal series of analytes in an image area across the image series contain colored and uncolored signals. These signals have specific ratios that are used to determine the result class.

  • Analytes are marked with markers in multiple coloring rounds.
  • The markers are detected using a camera.
  • The camera captures images of the image series in each coloring round.
  • The signal series of analytes in an image area contain colored and uncolored signals.
  • Specific ratios of colored and uncolored signals are used to assign image areas to result classes.

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in medical diagnostics, environmental testing, and biological research.

Problems Solved

This technology streamlines the process of analyzing image series and assigning image areas to result classes, making it more efficient and accurate.


The benefits of this technology include improved accuracy in result classification, faster analysis of image series, and potential cost savings in research and diagnostics.

Potential Commercial Applications

One potential commercial application of this technology could be in the development of automated diagnostic systems for medical laboratories.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be the use of image analysis software in medical imaging to classify different types of tissues or cells based on specific characteristics.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology compare to existing methods for analyzing image series in terms of accuracy and efficiency?

This article does not provide a direct comparison between this technology and existing methods for analyzing image series.

What are the limitations of this technology in terms of the types of analytes or markers that can be used?

This article does not address the potential limitations of this technology in terms of the types of analytes or markers that can be used.

Original Abstract Submitted

A method for assigning image areas of an image series to result classes by means of a processing model that was trained to assign image areas from the image series to a result class. The image series is generated by marking analytes with markers in a plurality of coloring rounds and detecting the markers with a camera. The camera captures or acquires an image of the image series in each coloring round, and the markers are selected in such a way that the signal series of analytes in an image area across the image series include colored signals and uncolored signals. The colored and uncolored signals of the analyte signal series have at least one particular ratio of one of the colored and/or uncolored signals of the respective signal series.