18519226. Method and device for preparing data for identifying analytes simplified abstract (Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH)

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Method and device for preparing data for identifying analytes

Organization Name

Carl Zeiss Microscopy GmbH


Manuel Amthor of Jena (DE)

Daniel Haase of Zoellnitz (DE)

Ralf Wolleschensky of Jena (DE)

Method and device for preparing data for identifying analytes - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18519226 titled 'Method and device for preparing data for identifying analytes

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a method for preparing data for identifying analytes by coloring them with markers in multiple coloring rounds and detecting the markers using a camera.

  • The method involves coloring analytes with markers specific to each set of analytes.
  • A camera is used to detect multiple markers in each coloring round, generating images with colored and uncolored signals.
  • Images from each coloring round are stored for evaluating the color information of the analytes.
  • Data points consist of contiguous pixels in the images assigned to the same location in a sample.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various fields such as:

  • Medical diagnostics
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Food safety testing

Problems Solved

This method helps in:

  • Identifying multiple analytes simultaneously
  • Improving accuracy and efficiency in analyte detection


The benefits of this technology include:

  • Streamlining the process of identifying analytes
  • Enhancing the sensitivity and specificity of analyte detection

Potential Commercial Applications

A potential commercial application for this technology could be in:

  • Biotechnology companies for developing advanced diagnostic tools

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be:

  • Multiplex assays using different colored markers for analyte detection

Unanswered Questions

How does this method compare to traditional methods of analyte detection?

This article does not provide a direct comparison to traditional methods of analyte detection. It would be interesting to know if this method offers any advantages over existing techniques in terms of speed, accuracy, or cost.

What are the limitations of using markers for analyte detection in this method?

The article does not discuss any limitations of using markers for analyte detection. It would be valuable to understand if there are any challenges or constraints associated with this approach that could affect its practical implementation.

Original Abstract Submitted

A method for preparing data for identifying analytes by coloring one or more analytes with markers in multiple coloring rounds, the markers in each case being specific for a certain set of analytes, detecting multiple markers using a camera, which for each coloring round generates at least one image that contains multiple pixels and includes colored signals and uncolored signals, a colored signal being a pixel containing color information of a marker, and an uncolored signal being a pixel containing color information that is not based on a marker, and storing the images of the particular coloring rounds for evaluating the color information, a data point in each case including one or more contiguous pixels in the images of the multiple coloring rounds, which are assigned to the same location in a sample, wherein