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Organization Name



Masami Kato of Kanagawa (JP)

TSEWEI Chen of Tokyo (JP)

MOTOKI Yoshinaga of Kanagawa (JP)

DATA PROCESSING APPARATUS AND DATA PROCESSING METHOD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18517597 titled 'DATA PROCESSING APPARATUS AND DATA PROCESSING METHOD

Simplified Explanation

The data processing apparatus described in the patent application is designed to efficiently handle multiple types of recognition tasks by storing various parameter groups and selecting the appropriate ones for each task. Here are some key points to note:

  • Storage unit stores different types of parameter groups for recognition tasks
  • Selection unit chooses two or more recognition tasks to be executed
  • Holding unit retains parameter groups selected for the tasks
  • Transfer unit moves parameter groups from storage to holding unit
  • Execution unit carries out the selected recognition tasks using the parameter groups in the holding unit

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various fields such as image recognition, speech recognition, natural language processing, and pattern recognition.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of efficiently managing and executing multiple recognition tasks by storing and transferring parameter groups as needed.


The benefits of this technology include improved efficiency, accuracy, and speed in performing various recognition tasks.

Potential Commercial Applications

One potential commercial application of this technology could be in developing advanced AI systems for industries like healthcare, finance, security, and automotive.

Possible Prior Art

Prior art in this field may include similar data processing systems for recognition tasks, but the specific approach outlined in this patent application may offer unique advantages in terms of flexibility and efficiency.

Unanswered Questions

How does the apparatus handle conflicts between parameter groups for different recognition tasks?

The patent application does not specify how conflicts between parameter groups for different recognition tasks are resolved. This could be a crucial aspect to consider in ensuring accurate results.

What is the scalability of this technology for handling a large number of recognition tasks simultaneously?

The scalability of the technology for managing a large number of recognition tasks at once is not addressed in the patent application. Understanding the limits of the system's capacity could be important for practical implementation in real-world scenarios.

Original Abstract Submitted

A data processing apparatus includes a storage unit configured to store a plurality of types of parameter groups to be used in a plurality of types of recognition tasks, a selection unit configured to select two or more recognition tasks to be executed from among the plurality of types of recognition tasks, a holding unit configured to hold parameter groups, a transfer unit configured to transfer parameter groups to be used in the two or more recognition tasks in sequence from the storage unit to the holding unit, and an execution unit configured to execute the two or more recognition tasks in sequence using the parameter groups held in the holding unit.