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Organization Name



Shuto Funakoshi of Kanagawa (JP)

Yohei Horikawa of Tokyo (JP)

Kazuma Sakato of Kanagawa (JP)

PROGRAMMABLE SIGNAL PROCESSING APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18505372 titled 'PROGRAMMABLE SIGNAL PROCESSING APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

The programmable signal processing apparatus described in the abstract consists of a control unit and a plurality of ALUs, including two types: one with one input and multiple outputs, and the other with two inputs and one output. The first type delays input data and outputs multiple pieces of data with different delay amounts, while the second type generates delayed data and performs operations on them without delaying the data when the clock signal supply to the registers is cut off.

  • Plurality of ALUs with different functionalities: The apparatus includes two types of ALUs, one for delaying data and outputting multiple pieces of data, and the other for generating delayed data and performing operations without delay.
  • Control unit for configuring targeted circuits: The control unit is responsible for configuring the circuit based on received information, ensuring the ALUs operate effectively.
  • Unique operation of the second type of ALU: The second type of ALU can generate delayed data and perform operations without delaying the data when the clock signal supply to the registers is cut off.

Potential Applications

The technology can be applied in various signal processing systems, such as audio processing, image processing, and communication systems.

Problems Solved

The apparatus solves the problem of efficiently processing signals with different delay requirements while maintaining the integrity of the data.


- Improved signal processing efficiency - Flexibility in configuring targeted circuits - Enhanced performance in various applications

Potential Commercial Applications

"Advanced Signal Processing Apparatus for Audio Systems"

Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to signal processing systems with ALUs, but the specific functionality described in this patent application appears to be unique.

Unanswered Questions

How does the control unit handle different configurations of the targeted circuit?

The abstract mentions that the control unit configures the circuit based on received information, but it does not provide details on how this process is carried out.

What are the specific types of operations that the second type of ALU can perform on the delayed data?

While it is mentioned that the second type of ALU can perform operations on the delayed data, the abstract does not specify the exact nature of these operations.

Original Abstract Submitted

A programmable signal processing apparatus comprises a plurality of ALUs and a control unit that performs control for configuring a targeted circuit based on received information. The plurality of ALUs include a first type of ALU with one input and multiple outputs and a second type of ALU with two inputs and one output. The first type of ALU delays input data and outputs a plurality of pieces of data with different delay amounts. The second type of ALU generates one or two delayed data and performs an operation on the one or two data. The second ALU does not delay the one or two data in a state where supply of a clock signal to a plurality of registers in the second ALU is cut off.