18504853. Partition Wall with Two-Piece Columns simplified abstract (Robert Bosch GmbH)

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Partition Wall with Two-Piece Columns

Organization Name

Robert Bosch GmbH


Damiano Duerr of Stuttgart (DE)

Keerthan Subrahmanya Joshi of Sullia Taluk (IN)

Ruediger Finn of Stuttgart (DE)

Partition Wall with Two-Piece Columns - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18504853 titled 'Partition Wall with Two-Piece Columns

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a patent application for a partition wall with unique features:

  • Two elongated columns spaced apart in parallel
  • Bases fastened at the lower end of each column
  • Laminar separating element fastened between columns
  • Columns made of two separate half-columns
  • Half-columns directly fastened to bases
  • Method for assembling the partition wall disclosed


      1. Potential Applications of this Technology

The partition wall design could be used in various settings such as offices, homes, and commercial spaces to create separate areas within a larger space.

      1. Problems Solved by this Technology

This technology solves the problem of efficiently creating partition walls that are sturdy, easy to assemble, and provide privacy in shared spaces.

      1. Benefits of this Technology

- Space-saving design - Easy assembly and disassembly - Enhanced privacy and separation in shared spaces

      1. Potential Commercial Applications of this Technology

"Efficient Partition Wall Design for Modern Workspaces"

      1. Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to partition walls with unique column designs or assembly methods, but specific examples are not provided in the abstract.


      1. Unanswered Questions
        1. How does this partition wall design compare to traditional partition walls in terms of cost-effectiveness?

The abstract does not mention cost implications or comparisons with traditional partition walls.

        1. Are there any specific materials recommended for constructing the columns and bases in this partition wall design?

The abstract does not specify the materials to be used for the columns and bases.

Original Abstract Submitted

A partition wall includes two columns, which are elongated with respect to respective column axes. The columns are arranged to be spaced apart from one another in parallel. A plurality of bases is provided. A portion of the columns is associated with a respective single base, which is fastened at a lower end of the relevant column. All bases can be fastened to a common subsurface. A laminar separating element is fastened between two adjacent columns. The columns each include two separate half-columns which are elongated with respect to the associated column axis, and abut one another transversely to the respective column axis. The half-columns are directly fastened to the associated base. An associated laminar separating element is directly fastened to at least one half-column of a two-piece column. A corresponding base and a method for assembling the partition wall are disclosed.