18496383. SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE simplified abstract (FUJI ELECTRIC CO., LTD.)

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Ryu Araki of Matsumoto-city (JP)

SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18496383 titled 'SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE

The abstract describes a patent application for a wiring member connected to an output electrode of a semiconductor chip and a wiring region of a main current lead frame via an insulating spacer. A snubber capacitor is formed by the wiring member and spacer between the input electrode of a (high-side) semiconductor chip and the output electrode of a (low-side) semiconductor chip to absorb back electromotive force due to wiring inductance.

  • The wiring member is connected to the output electrode of a semiconductor chip and a wiring region of a main current lead frame via an insulating spacer.
  • A snubber capacitor is formed by the wiring member and spacer between the input electrode of a (high-side) semiconductor chip and the output electrode of a (low-side) semiconductor chip.
  • The snubber capacitor absorbs back electromotive force produced due to the wiring inductance of the wiring member and main current lead frame.

Potential Applications: - Power electronics - Semiconductor devices - Electrical engineering

Problems Solved: - Minimizing back electromotive force in semiconductor chips - Improving performance and reliability of electronic devices

Benefits: - Reduced interference and noise in electronic circuits - Enhanced efficiency and stability of semiconductor chips

Commercial Applications: Title: "Advanced Snubber Capacitor Technology for Enhanced Semiconductor Performance" This technology can be applied in various industries such as automotive, telecommunications, and consumer electronics to improve the performance and reliability of electronic devices.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the snubber capacitor help in reducing back electromotive force in semiconductor chips? - The snubber capacitor absorbs the back electromotive force produced due to wiring inductance, improving the overall performance and reliability of the semiconductor chips. 2. What are the potential commercial applications of this advanced snubber capacitor technology? - This technology can be utilized in various industries such as automotive, telecommunications, and consumer electronics to enhance the performance and stability of electronic devices.

Original Abstract Submitted

A wiring member is connected to an output electrode of a semiconductor chip and to a wiring region of a main current lead frame via an insulating spacer. In this case, a snubber capacitor is formed by the wiring member and spacer between the input electrode of a (high-side) semiconductor chip and the output electrode of a (low-side) semiconductor chip. This snubber capacitor absorbs back electromotive force produced due to the wiring inductance of the wiring member and main current lead frame.