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Takaya Yamashita of Nagoya-shi (JP)

Junya Fukuta of Nissin-shi (JP)

DRIVING ASSIST APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18491804 titled 'DRIVING ASSIST APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

The driving assist apparatus described in the patent application performs a warning about an object approaching a self-vehicle from the rear side when it detects a first intention of the driver to make a turn at an intersection. It estimates the arrival time and stoppage time based on the operation states of the accelerator and/or brake at the first time point, judges the necessity of the warning based on these times, and performs the warning only when necessary.

  • Explanation of the patent:
 - Driving assist apparatus warns about objects approaching from the rear when detecting a driver's intention to turn.
 - Estimates arrival time and stoppage time based on accelerator and brake operation.
 - Judges the necessity of the warning based on these times and only issues it when necessary.

Potential applications of this technology: - Advanced driver assistance systems - Autonomous vehicles - Traffic safety systems

Problems solved by this technology: - Minimizing the risk of collisions at intersections - Enhancing driver awareness of surrounding objects - Improving overall road safety

Benefits of this technology: - Increased driver confidence while turning at intersections - Reduced likelihood of accidents caused by blind spots - Enhanced situational awareness for drivers

Potential commercial applications of this technology: - Automotive industry: integration into new vehicle models - Insurance companies: offering discounts for vehicles equipped with this technology - Fleet management companies: improving safety measures for their vehicles

Possible prior art: - Similar systems exist in some modern vehicles that provide warnings about objects in blind spots. - Some vehicles already have collision avoidance systems that alert drivers of potential hazards.


1. How does the driving assist apparatus differentiate between different types of objects approaching the self-vehicle from the rear side?

  Answer: The driving assist apparatus uses sensors and algorithms to analyze the size, speed, and trajectory of approaching objects to determine the level of risk they pose.

2. Can the warning system be customized or adjusted based on the driver's preferences or driving habits?

  Answer: The patent application does not specify if the warning system can be personalized, but future iterations of the technology could potentially include customizable settings for individual drivers.

Original Abstract Submitted

In a driving assist apparatus which performs a warning about an object approaching a self-vehicle from a rear side when a first intention that is an intention of a driver who is going to make the self-vehicle turn at an intersection is detected, an arrival time that is a period from a first time point that is a time point when the first intention is detected until the self-vehicle reaches an intersection point of running paths estimated for the object and self-vehicle is estimated, a stoppage time that is a period from the first time point until stoppage of the self-vehicle is completed is estimated according to operation states of an accelerator and/or brake at the first time point, necessity of the warning is judged based on the arrival time and stoppage time, and the warning is performed only when the warning is judged to be necessary.