18486452. DISPLAY DEVICE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME simplified abstract (Samsung Display Co., LTD.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Display Co., LTD.


SOO YEON Han of Yongin-si (KR)

KYU-HO Jung of Yongin-si (KR)

SANG-CHUL Byun of Yongin-si (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18486452 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME

The abstract of the patent application describes a display device with a window coating layer that has varying curing rates along its thickness.

  • The window coating layer has a lower surface in contact with the display panel and an upper surface opposite to it.
  • The curing rate of the coating layer increases from the lower surface to the upper surface.
  • The lower surface has a curing rate of 10% to 50%, while the upper surface has a curing rate of 98% or less.

Potential Applications: - This technology could be used in the manufacturing of display devices such as smartphones, tablets, and televisions. - It may also find applications in automotive displays and other electronic devices with screens.

Problems Solved: - The technology addresses the need for a window coating layer with controlled curing rates for improved performance and durability of display devices.

Benefits: - Enhanced durability and performance of display devices. - Improved quality of images and visuals on screens. - Potential cost savings in the manufacturing process.

Commercial Applications: - The technology could be valuable for display manufacturers looking to enhance the quality and longevity of their products. - It may also attract interest from companies producing electronic devices with screens.

Questions about the Technology: 1. How does the varying curing rate of the window coating layer impact the overall performance of the display device? 2. What specific challenges in the manufacturing process does this technology help to overcome?

Original Abstract Submitted

A display device includes a display panel, and a window coating layer having a lower surface in contact with an upper surface of the display panel, and an upper surface opposed to the lower surface, wherein the curing rate of the window coating layer increases along a thickness direction, the lower surface has a curing rate of about 10% to about 50%, and the upper surface has a curing rate of about 98% or less.