18483821. Superconducting Quantum Chip simplified abstract (HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.)

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Superconducting Quantum Chip

Organization Name



Junling Long of Shenzhen (CN)

Peng Zhao of Shenzhen (CN)

Superconducting Quantum Chip - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18483821 titled 'Superconducting Quantum Chip

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a superconducting quantum chip that includes a coupler and a controller. The coupler is designed to connect two superconducting bit circuits and has a frequency response curve with at least one phase inversion point. The controller is responsible for adjusting the frequency response curve of the coupler to ensure an odd number of phase inversion points between the bit frequencies of the two circuits. Additionally, the controller adjusts the frequency of the phase inversion point to achieve a zero interaction of cross-resonance effect between the two circuits.

  • The patent application describes a superconducting quantum chip with a coupler and a controller.
  • The coupler connects two superconducting bit circuits and has a frequency response curve with phase inversion points.
  • The controller adjusts the frequency response curve to have an odd number of phase inversion points between the bit frequencies of the circuits.
  • The controller also adjusts the frequency of the phase inversion point to eliminate the cross-resonance effect between the circuits.

Potential Applications:

  • Quantum computing: The superconducting quantum chip can be used in quantum computers to enable efficient communication and interaction between qubits.
  • Quantum information processing: The technology can be applied in various quantum information processing tasks, such as quantum communication and quantum simulations.

Problems Solved:

  • Cross-resonance effect: The technology solves the problem of unwanted interaction between superconducting bit circuits by adjusting the frequency response curve and eliminating the cross-resonance effect.
  • Phase inversion points: The technology ensures an odd number of phase inversion points between the bit frequencies, which is important for certain quantum operations.


  • Improved quantum operations: The technology allows for precise control and manipulation of qubits, leading to improved quantum operations and more reliable quantum computing.
  • Enhanced qubit communication: The coupler and controller enable efficient communication between qubits, facilitating complex quantum algorithms and computations.
  • Reduced errors: By eliminating the cross-resonance effect, the technology reduces errors and improves the overall performance of the quantum chip.

Original Abstract Submitted

A superconducting quantum chip includes a coupler and a controller. The coupler is configured to couple a first superconducting bit circuit and a second superconducting bit circuit. A frequency response curve of the coupler includes at least one phase inversion point, and the phase inversion point includes a resonance point or a pole of the frequency response curve. The controller is configured to adjust the frequency response curve of the coupler, so that an odd quantity of phase inversion points is included between a bit frequency of the first superconducting bit circuit and a bit frequency of the second superconducting bit circuit. The controller further adjusts a frequency of the phase inversion point, so that an equivalent interaction of cross-resonance effect of the first superconducting bit circuit and the second superconducting bit circuit is zero.