18483536. DISPLAY DEVICE AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF simplified abstract (Japan Display Inc.)

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Organization Name

Japan Display Inc.


Kaichi Fukuda of Tokyo (JP)

DISPLAY DEVICE AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18483536 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF

Simplified Explanation

The manufacturing method of a display device involves several steps including forming conductive oxide layers, metal layers, and etching processes using a resist as a mask.

  • Forming a first conductive oxide layer
  • Forming a first metal layer at a first pressure
  • Forming a second metal layer at a second pressure
  • Forming a second conductive oxide layer
  • Forming a resist with a predetermined shape
  • Etching the second conductive oxide layer using the resist as a mask
  • Etching the metal layers using the resist as a mask
  • Removing the resist

Potential Applications

The technology described in this patent application could be applied in the manufacturing of display devices such as LCD screens, OLED panels, and touchscreens.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the need for precise and efficient manufacturing processes for display devices, ensuring high quality and performance.


The method outlined in the patent application allows for the production of display devices with improved conductivity, durability, and overall performance.

Potential Commercial Applications

The technology could be utilized by display manufacturers looking to enhance their production processes and create advanced display products for various industries.

Possible Prior Art

Prior art in the field of display device manufacturing may include similar methods of forming conductive layers, metal layers, and etching processes using masks for patterning.

Unanswered Questions

How does this method compare to traditional display manufacturing techniques?

The article does not provide a direct comparison between this innovative method and traditional manufacturing processes for display devices.

Are there any specific display device models that have already implemented this technology?

The article does not mention any specific display device models that have already incorporated the manufacturing method described in the patent application.

Original Abstract Submitted

According to one embodiment, a manufacturing method of a display device includes forming a first conductive oxide layer, forming a first metal layer at a first pressure, forming a second metal layer at a second pressure, forming a second conductive oxide layer, forming a resist having a predetermined shape, etching the second conductive oxide layer using the resist as a mask, retracting an end portion of the second metal layer relative to an end portion of the second conductive oxide layer and an edge of a lower surface of the first metal layer by etching the second metal layer and the first metal layer using the resist as a mask, etching the first conductive oxide layer using the resist as a mask, and removing the resist.