18475478. VEHICLE FOOTREST STRUCTURE simplified abstract (Hyundai Motor Company)

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Organization Name

Hyundai Motor Company


Dong Kyu Kim of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Chulhee Heo of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Seokju Gim of Seongnam-si (KR)

VEHICLE FOOTREST STRUCTURE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18475478 titled 'VEHICLE FOOTREST STRUCTURE

The embodiment vehicle footrest described in the patent application is a device designed to support an occupant's foot in a vehicle.

  • The footrest includes a body portion that extends along the length of the vehicle body and supports the occupant's foot.
  • A first fastening portion at the front end of the body portion is integrated with the body and fastened to the dash portion of the vehicle.
  • A second fastening portion at the rear end of the body portion is fastened to a seat cross member of the vehicle body.

Potential Applications: - This footrest can be used in various types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, and buses. - It can provide comfort and support to occupants during long journeys.

Problems Solved: - The footrest helps prevent discomfort and fatigue in the occupant's feet during extended periods of sitting in a vehicle.

Benefits: - Improved comfort for vehicle occupants. - Reduced fatigue and potential health issues related to prolonged sitting.

Commercial Applications: - This footrest could be marketed to vehicle manufacturers as an optional accessory for their vehicles. - It could also be sold as an aftermarket product for vehicle owners looking to enhance their driving experience.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this footrest compare to other similar products on the market? 2. Are there any safety considerations to take into account when using this footrest in a vehicle?

Frequently Updated Research: - Stay updated on ergonomic studies related to foot support in vehicles to enhance the design and functionality of the footrest.

Original Abstract Submitted

An embodiment vehicle footrest includes a body portion extending in a length direction of a vehicle body of a vehicle and configured to come into contact with and support a foot of an occupant in the vehicle, a first fastening portion integrated with the body portion at a front end of the body portion and fastened to a dash portion of the vehicle body, and a second fastening portion fastened to a seat cross member of the vehicle body at a rear end of the body portion.