18468752. ELECTRONIC DEVICE AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF simplified abstract (InnoLux Corporation)

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Organization Name

InnoLux Corporation


Kai Cheng of Miaoli County (TW)

Fang-Ying Lin of Miaoli County (TW)

Ming-Chang Lin of Miaoli County (TW)

Tsau-Hua Hsieh of Miaoli County (TW)

ELECTRONIC DEVICE AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18468752 titled 'ELECTRONIC DEVICE AND MANUFACTURING METHOD THEREOF

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a method for manufacturing an electronic device by transferring electronic units to a substrate, inspecting them for defects, integrating defect maps, providing repairing groups, and transferring them to the substrate.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Transfer of electronic units to a substrate
  • Inspection for defects to obtain defect maps
  • Integration of defect maps to provide repairing groups
  • Transfer of repairing groups to the substrate
  • Consistent distribution of repairing electronic units based on defect maps

Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in the manufacturing of various electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers.

Problems Solved: This method addresses the need for efficient defect detection and repair in the manufacturing process of electronic devices.


  • Improved quality control in electronic device manufacturing
  • Enhanced efficiency in defect detection and repair
  • Cost-effective manufacturing process

Commercial Applications: The technology can be utilized by electronics manufacturers to streamline their production processes, reduce defects, and improve overall product quality.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior art related to defect detection and repair methods in electronic device manufacturing to understand the evolution of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on the latest advancements in defect detection and repair methods in electronic device manufacturing to incorporate cutting-edge techniques into production processes.

Questions about Electronic Device Manufacturing: 1. How does this method improve the efficiency of defect detection in electronic device manufacturing? 2. What are the potential cost savings for manufacturers implementing this technology?

By focusing on the efficient transfer, inspection, and repair of electronic units, this method offers a comprehensive solution for enhancing the quality and reliability of electronic devices in the manufacturing process.

Original Abstract Submitted

An electronic device and a manufacturing method thereof are provided. The manufacturing method of the electronic device includes the following. A substrate is provided. A plurality of electronic units are transferred to the substrate. The electronic units are inspected to obtain M first defect maps. The M first defect maps are integrated into N second defect maps, where N<M. M repairing groups are provided according to the N second defect maps. Each of the repairing groups includes at least one repairing electronic unit. The M repairing groups are transferred to the substrate. At least two of the repairing groups have the same location distribution of repairing electronic units, and the location distribution is consistent with a defect distribution of one of the second defect maps.