18455871. MULTIMODAL WIRELESS AND DETERMINISTIC MODE OPERATION simplified abstract (Cisco Technology, Inc.)

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Organization Name

Cisco Technology, Inc.


Pascal Thubert of Roquefort-les-Pins (FR)

J. P. Vasseur of Issy Les Moulineaux (FR)

Patrick Wetterwald of Mouans Sartoux (FR)

Eric Levy-abegnoli of Valbonne (FR)

Jerome Henry of Pittsboro NC (US)


This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18455871 titled 'MULTIMODAL WIRELESS AND DETERMINISTIC MODE OPERATION

Simplified Explanation

The abstract of the patent application describes a system where an Access Point (AP) can indicate to a client device that it supports multimode operation and which sub-mode is currently enabled. The client device can then make a decision on whether to prefer or avoid the AP based on this information.

  • Wireless communication system with multimodal and deterministic mode operation
  • Access Point (AP) provides indication to client device about multimode operation and current sub-mode
  • Client device makes decision to prefer or avoid AP based on this information

Potential Applications

The technology described in this patent application could be applied in various wireless communication systems where devices need to make decisions based on the capabilities of Access Points.

Problems Solved

This technology helps in improving the efficiency of wireless networks by allowing client devices to make informed decisions on which Access Point to connect to based on the supported modes.


- Enhanced performance in wireless networks - Improved user experience with better connectivity options - Efficient utilization of network resources

Potential Commercial Applications

  • Smart homes and IoT devices
  • Enterprise wireless networks
  • Public Wi-Fi hotspots

Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to similar systems for informing client devices about the capabilities of Access Points in wireless networks.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology impact battery life of client devices?

The patent application does not provide information on how the system may affect the battery life of client devices. This could be an important consideration, especially for mobile devices that rely on wireless connectivity.

Are there any security implications of client devices making decisions based on AP capabilities?

The abstract does not address any potential security concerns that may arise from client devices making decisions on which AP to connect to based on the information provided. It would be important to consider any security implications of this technology.

Original Abstract Submitted

Multimodal wireless and deterministic mode operation may be provided. An indication may be provided to a client device by an Access Point (AP) that the AP supports multimode operation and which current sub-mode is enabled. Then a determination may be received from the client device to perform an operation based on the indication that the AP supports multimode operation and which sub-mode is currently enabled wherein the operation comprises one of prefer the AP and avoid the AP.