18455411. MEMORY DEVICE simplified abstract (SK hynix Inc.)

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Organization Name

SK hynix Inc.


Hye Yeong Jung of Icheon-si Gyeonggi-do (KR)

Jae Taek Kim of Icheon-si Gyeonggi-do (KR)

MEMORY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18455411 titled 'MEMORY DEVICE

Simplified Explanation: The memory device described in the patent application includes a concave portion of the source structure facing a contact plug.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Memory device with a concave portion of the source structure facing a contact plug.
  • Source structure and contact plug are spaced apart.
  • Method of manufacturing the memory device is also included in the patent application.

Potential Applications: The technology could be used in various electronic devices requiring memory storage, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Problems Solved: The concave portion of the source structure may improve the efficiency and performance of the memory device by enhancing the contact between the source structure and the contact plug.


  • Improved efficiency and performance of the memory device.
  • Enhanced contact between source structure and contact plug.
  • Potential for increased data storage capacity.

Commercial Applications: The technology could have commercial applications in the semiconductor industry, particularly in the development of advanced memory devices for consumer electronics.

Prior Art: Readers interested in prior art related to this technology could start by researching semiconductor memory devices and manufacturing methods.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on advancements in semiconductor memory technology and manufacturing processes to understand the latest developments in the field.

Questions about Memory Device Technology: 1. What are the potential benefits of incorporating a concave portion in the source structure of a memory device? 2. How does the spacing between the source structure and contact plug impact the performance of the memory device?

Original Abstract Submitted

A memory device, and a method of manufacturing the memory device, includes a source structure and a contact plug spaced apart from the source structure. A portion of the source structure facing the contact plug is formed to be concave.