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Organization Name



Avais Ahmad of Tokyo (JP)

Shinichi Hayashi of Tokyo (JP)

Kaori Nakano of Tokyo (JP)

COMPUTING DEVICE, AND COMPUTING METHOD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18452835 titled 'COMPUTING DEVICE, AND COMPUTING METHOD

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a computing device that can perform burst processing of batch jobs within specified time frames.

  • The computing device includes a storage unit for storing a job list and a computing unit for performing computations related to burst processing.
  • The job list consists of batch jobs with various time frames and job sizes.
  • Burst processing occurs at a speed higher than a baseline but below a maximum speed.
  • The computing unit determines if a job can be completed within the specified time frame.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Computing device for burst processing batch jobs within set time frames.
  • Storage unit for job list management.
  • Determination of job completion feasibility based on time frame and job size.
  • Burst processing at speeds exceeding baseline but below maximum speed.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in industries requiring efficient batch job processing within specific time constraints, such as finance, data analytics, and scientific research.

Problems Solved

  • Efficient processing of batch jobs within specified time frames.
  • Optimization of burst processing speeds for improved productivity.
  • Management of job lists for streamlined workflow.


  • Increased efficiency in batch job processing.
  • Improved time management for computing tasks.
  • Enhanced productivity and workflow optimization.

Commercial Applications

Title: Efficient Batch Job Processing Technology This technology can be commercialized in industries requiring fast and accurate batch job processing, such as financial institutions, research laboratories, and data analysis firms. It can improve overall productivity and streamline workflow processes.

Prior Art

Further research can be conducted in the field of burst processing technologies and job list management systems to identify any existing patents or prior art related to this innovation.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in burst processing technologies, job list management systems, and computational efficiency to enhance the capabilities of this technology.

Questions about Burst Processing Technology

1. How does burst processing technology improve computational efficiency?

  Burst processing technology allows for faster processing speeds of batch jobs, leading to improved productivity and time management.

2. What are the key factors to consider when determining the feasibility of completing a job within a specified time frame?

  Factors such as job size, processing speed, and time constraints play a crucial role in determining the feasibility of completing a job within a specified time frame.

Original Abstract Submitted

A computing device includes a storage unit storing a job list, and a computing unit that performs a computation related to an instance capable of executing burst processing by consuming credits. The job list is a list of batch jobs. The batch jobs include a plurality of combinations of a time frame and data regarding a size of a job, the time frame being set as a combination of a time point at which execution of the job can be started and a time point at which the job should have been completed. The burst processing of the job is at a speed exceeding a baseline but not exceeding a maximum speed, the baseline being a processing speed of the job that can always be attained. The computing unit determines whether or not the job can be completed within the time frame, for the batch jobs in the job list.