18443074. MANAGEMENT DATA ANALYTICS simplified abstract (Intel Corporation)

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Organization Name

Intel Corporation


Yizhi Yao of Chandler AZ (US)

Joey Chou of Santa Clara CA (US)

MANAGEMENT DATA ANALYTICS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18443074 titled 'MANAGEMENT DATA ANALYTICS

The patent application relates to the integration of Management Data Analytics (MDA) with Self-Organizing Network (SON) functions for analyzing coverage issues in networks.

  • MDA Service (MDAS) collects data from various sources, analyzes it, and generates reports for SON functions to conduct root cause analysis, prevent issues, and predict network demands.
  • The analytics report highlights network or cell coverage issues for the SON function to address.
  • This innovation aims to improve network performance and efficiency by leveraging data analytics for proactive issue resolution.
      1. Potential Applications:

This technology can be applied in telecommunications, IoT networks, and other industries where network coverage and performance are critical.

      1. Problems Solved:

- Addressing network coverage issues - Proactive issue prevention - Predicting network demands

      1. Benefits:

- Enhanced network performance - Improved efficiency - Proactive issue resolution

      1. Commercial Applications:

The technology can be utilized by telecom companies, network operators, and IoT service providers to optimize network performance and enhance customer experience.

      1. Questions about Management Data Analytics (MDA) and Self-Organizing Network (SON):

1. How does the integration of MDA with SON functions improve network management?

  - By combining data analytics with SON functions, network issues can be identified and resolved proactively, leading to improved performance.

2. What are the key benefits of using MDAS for network coverage analysis?

  - MDAS enables efficient data collection, analysis, and reporting, which helps in addressing coverage issues and predicting network demands.

Original Abstract Submitted

Disclosed embodiments are related to Management Data Analytics (MDA) relation with Self-Organizing Network (SON) functions and coverage issues analysis use case. An MDA Service (MDAS) obtains input data related to one or more managed networks and services from one or more data sources; generates an analytics report based on analysis of the input data; and sends an analytics report to a Self-Organizing Network (SON) function for root cause analysis of ongoing issues, prevention of potential issues, and/or prediction of network or service demands. The analytics report may describe an identified network or cell coverage issue related to the SON function. Other embodiments may be described and/or claimed.