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Organization Name



Yaxin Wang of Shenzhen (CN)

Yan Li of Beijing (CN)

Meng Li of Beijing (CN)

COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18435534 titled 'COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

The abstract of the patent application describes a method involving a session management function (SMF) receiving a message from a terminal, querying a network registration function (NRF) for an SMF to establish a multicast session for a multicast service, receiving a message indicating the SMF is not found, and sending a message to the terminal rejecting its request to join the multicast session.

  • Session Management Function (SMF) receives message with multicast address from terminal
  • SMF queries Network Registration Function (NRF) for SMF to establish multicast session
  • NRF indicates SMF not found
  • Terminal receives message rejecting its request to join multicast session

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in telecommunications, specifically in managing multicast sessions for services such as video streaming or online gaming.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of efficiently managing multicast sessions by automatically rejecting terminals when the necessary session management function is not found.


The benefits of this technology include improved network efficiency, streamlined session management, and enhanced user experience for multicast services.

Potential Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications for this technology include telecommunications companies, streaming services, online gaming platforms, and any other service providers that utilize multicast communication.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be methods for managing multicast sessions in traditional telecommunications networks, which may not have the same level of automation and efficiency as the described method.

Unanswered Questions

How does the system handle multiple terminals requesting to join the same multicast session simultaneously?

The patent abstract does not provide information on how the system prioritizes or manages multiple terminal requests for the same multicast session.

What security measures are in place to prevent unauthorized access to multicast sessions?

The abstract does not mention any security features or protocols that may be implemented to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of multicast sessions.

Original Abstract Submitted

The present disclosure relates to communication methods and apparatuses. In one example method, a session management function (SMF) receives a first message including a multicast address from a terminal, sends a second message to a network registration function (NRF), where the second message is used to query for an SMF that establishes a multicast session for a multicast service corresponding to the multicast address, receives, from the NRF, a third message indicating that the SMF that establishes the multicast session for the multicast service corresponding to the multicast address is not found, and sends, to the terminal, a fourth message indicating that the terminal is rejected to join the multicast session corresponding to the multicast address.