18435460. TRANSPARENT DISPLAY DEVICE WITH TOUCH SENSOR simplified abstract (LG Display Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

LG Display Co., Ltd.


JaeHee Park of Paju-si (KR)

MiReum Lee of Paju-si (KR)

Kihyung Lee of Paju-si (KR)

TRANSPARENT DISPLAY DEVICE WITH TOUCH SENSOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18435460 titled 'TRANSPARENT DISPLAY DEVICE WITH TOUCH SENSOR

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes a transparent display device with a touch sensor that aims to reduce loss of light transmittance and detect defective touch sensors. Here are the key points of the innovation:

  • The device includes a substrate with transmissive areas and a non-transmissive area between them.
  • A touch line extends from the non-transmissive area to connect to a touch sensor electrode.
  • A common power line is connected to a cathode electrode to supply power.
  • The non-transmissive area includes a cathode power area with a first and second cathode power area, with the second having higher resistance.


      1. Potential Applications

This technology could be used in:

  • Transparent displays for consumer electronics
  • Interactive kiosks
  • Automotive displays
      1. Problems Solved
  • Loss of light transmittance due to touch sensors
  • Detection of defective touch sensors
      1. Benefits
  • Improved visibility in transparent displays
  • Enhanced touch sensor reliability
  • Cost-effective manufacturing process
      1. Potential Commercial Applications
        1. Optimizing Transparent Display Technology for Touch Sensors
      1. Possible Prior Art

No prior art is known at this time.


      1. Unanswered Questions
        1. How does this technology compare to existing touch sensor solutions in terms of cost and performance?

The article does not provide a direct comparison with existing touch sensor solutions, leaving the reader to wonder about the competitiveness of this innovation in the market.

        1. What are the specific industries or applications where this technology is expected to have the most impact?

While the potential applications are mentioned, the article does not delve into the specific industries or use cases where this technology could be most beneficial, leaving a gap in understanding its market potential.

Original Abstract Submitted

A transparent display device with a touch sensor is provided, which may reduce loss of light transmittance due to a touch sensor and a touch line, and may detect a line area, in which a defective touch sensor is included. The device includes a substrate provided with a plurality of transmissive areas and a non-transmissive area disposed between the transmissive areas adjacent to each other. The device includes a touch line extended from the non-transmissive area and connected to a touch sensor electrode, and a common power line connected to a cathode electrode to supply a cathode power source. The non-transmissive area includes a cathode power area to which the cathode power source is applied through the common power line, the cathode power area includes a first cathode power area and a second cathode power area. The second cathode power area may have resistance higher than that of the first cathode power area.