18433120. DUAL FACING BSI IMAGE SENSORS WITH WAFER LEVEL STACKING simplified abstract (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Ltd.


Ping-Yin Liu of Yonghe City (TW)

Yeur-Luen Tu of Taichung (TW)

Chia-Shiung Tsai of Hsin-Chu (TW)

Xiaomeng Chen of Hsinchu (TW)

Pin-Nan Tseng of Hsin-Chu (TW)

DUAL FACING BSI IMAGE SENSORS WITH WAFER LEVEL STACKING - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18433120 titled 'DUAL FACING BSI IMAGE SENSORS WITH WAFER LEVEL STACKING

Simplified Explanation

The abstract describes a device with two BSI image sensor elements and a third element bonded between them using element level stacking methods. Each BSI image sensor element includes a substrate with a metal stack on one side, while the third element also includes a substrate with a metal stack. The metal stacks of the elements are electrically coupled.

  • The device includes two BSI image sensor elements and a third element bonded between them.
  • Each BSI image sensor element has a substrate with a metal stack on one side.
  • The third element also has a substrate with a metal stack.
  • The metal stacks of the elements are electrically coupled.

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in:

  • Digital cameras
  • Smartphones
  • Surveillance systems

Problems Solved

This technology helps in:

  • Improving image sensor performance
  • Enhancing image quality
  • Increasing sensitivity to light


The benefits of this technology include:

  • Higher quality images
  • Improved low-light performance
  • Enhanced overall device performance

Potential Commercial Applications

This technology could be applied in:

  • Consumer electronics
  • Medical imaging devices
  • Automotive cameras

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the use of stacked image sensor elements in other devices.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology compare to traditional image sensor designs?

This article does not provide a direct comparison between this technology and traditional image sensor designs.

What are the specific manufacturing processes involved in bonding the elements together?

The article does not detail the specific manufacturing processes used to bond the elements together.

Original Abstract Submitted

A device includes two BSI image sensor elements and a third element. The third element is bonded in between the two BSI image sensor elements using element level stacking methods. Each of the BSI image sensor elements includes a substrate and a metal stack disposed over a first side of the substrate. The substrate of the BSI image sensor element includes a photodiode region for accumulating an image charge in response to radiation incident upon a second side of the substrate. The third element also includes a substrate and a metal stack disposed over a first side of the substrate. The metal stacks of the two BSI image sensor elements and the third element are electrically coupled.