18431895. IMAGE ANALYSIS DEVICE, METHOD, AND PROGRAM simplified abstract (FUJIFILM Corporation)

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Organization Name

FUJIFILM Corporation


Kimito Katsuyama of Tokyo (JP)

IMAGE ANALYSIS DEVICE, METHOD, AND PROGRAM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18431895 titled 'IMAGE ANALYSIS DEVICE, METHOD, AND PROGRAM

Simplified Explanation

The image analysis device described in the abstract includes a processor, an infrared thermal image acquisition unit, a registration unit, and a first processing unit. The device acquires two infrared thermal images of an object from different positions, registers them, and processes the images to discriminate, suppress, or enhance background reflections.

  • Infrared thermal image acquisition unit:
 - Acquires first and second infrared thermal images of an object from different imaging positions.
  • Registration unit:
 - Performs registration of the first and second infrared thermal images.
  • First processing unit:
 - Executes processing to discriminate, suppress, or enhance background reflections based on the temperature distribution differences between the registered images.


      1. Potential Applications

This technology can be used in various fields such as medical imaging, security surveillance, industrial inspections, and environmental monitoring.

      1. Problems Solved

This technology helps in improving the accuracy and reliability of infrared thermal imaging by reducing background reflections and enhancing the visibility of the object of interest.

      1. Benefits

- Enhanced image quality in infrared thermal imaging. - Improved detection and analysis of temperature variations. - Increased efficiency in object recognition and tracking.

      1. Potential Commercial Applications

"Enhanced Infrared Thermal Imaging Processing Technology for Various Industries"

      1. Possible Prior Art

Prior art in the field of image processing techniques for infrared thermal imaging may include methods for noise reduction, image enhancement, and object detection using thermal data.


      1. Unanswered Questions
        1. How does this technology compare to existing image processing methods for infrared thermal imaging?

This article does not provide a direct comparison with other image processing techniques commonly used in the field. It would be beneficial to understand the specific advantages and limitations of this technology in comparison to existing methods.

        1. What are the specific technical requirements for implementing this image analysis device?

The article does not detail the specific hardware or software requirements for deploying this technology. Understanding the technical specifications and compatibility of this device with different imaging systems would be essential for potential users or developers.

Original Abstract Submitted

An image analysis device includes a processor. An infrared thermal image acquisition unit of the processor acquires a first infrared thermal image and a second infrared thermal image obtained by imaging the object from different imaging positions, respectively. A registration unit of the processor performs registration of the first infrared thermal image and the second infrared thermal image. A first processing unit of the processor executes first processing including at least one of discrimination processing, suppression processing, or enhancement processing of background reflection of infrared light from the periphery of the object on an infrared thermal image obtained by imaging the object based on a difference between a temperature distribution of the first infrared thermal image and a temperature distribution of the second infrared thermal image after the registration.