18431286. NETWORK SLICE CONFIGURATION simplified abstract (Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy)

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Organization Name

Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy


Frederic Guilbeault of Murray Hill NJ (US)

Yves Beauville of Murray Hill NJ (US)

NETWORK SLICE CONFIGURATION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18431286 titled 'NETWORK SLICE CONFIGURATION

Simplified Explanation

Methods, apparatuses, and computer readable storage mediums provide virtual network slicing without duplicating network configuration data by maintaining a single physical network datastore with configuration information for all network entities, but generating slice views for virtual network slices as needed.

  • Single physical network datastore with configuration information for all network entities
  • Generating slice views for virtual network slices as needed
  • Avoiding duplication of network configuration data
  • Configuration of multiple virtual network slices sharing a physical network infrastructure

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in telecommunications, data centers, cloud computing, and network management systems.

Problems Solved

1. Reducing the complexity of managing network configurations for multiple virtual network slices. 2. Efficiently utilizing physical network infrastructure for multiple virtual network slices.


1. Simplified network management. 2. Improved resource utilization. 3. Enhanced scalability and flexibility in network configurations.

Potential Commercial Applications

Optimizing network resources in telecommunications companies for different services and customers.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the concept of network virtualization in cloud computing, where virtual networks are created on top of physical network infrastructure to provide isolation and flexibility.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology impact network security?

This article does not delve into the specific security implications of virtual network slicing. It would be important to understand how the sharing of physical network infrastructure among multiple virtual network slices affects security measures and potential vulnerabilities.

What are the limitations of this technology in terms of scalability?

The article does not address the scalability limitations of virtual network slicing. It would be crucial to explore how this technology performs as the number of virtual network slices increases and whether there are any constraints in terms of scalability.

Original Abstract Submitted

Methods, apparatuses and computer readable storage mediums provide virtual network slicing without duplicating network configuration data (also referred to as network configuration information) on a slice-by-slice basis by maintaining a single physical network datastore including network configuration information for all network entities in the physical network, but generating slice views for respective virtual network slices as needed over time. Methods, apparatuses and computer readable storage mediums also enable configuration of a plurality of virtual network slices sharing a physical network infrastructure.