18421308. ALERT APPARATUS FOR HOST VEHICLE simplified abstract (Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha)

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Organization Name

Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha


Mafune Kakeshita of Toyota-shi (JP)

Chen Xi of Nagoya-shi (JP)

Kohei Morotomi of Nagoya-shi (JP)

Yuto Shimbo of Toyota-shi (JP)

Tasuku Usui of Susono-shi (JP)

Kenichi Shimizu of Susono-shi (JP)

Wataru Ike of Nagoya-shi (JP)

Tsunekazu Yasoshima of Nagoya-shi (JP)

ALERT APPARATUS FOR HOST VEHICLE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18421308 titled 'ALERT APPARATUS FOR HOST VEHICLE

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes an alert apparatus that notifies a driver of a host vehicle when an oncoming vehicle in an adjacent lane is predicted to pass through on a specific direction side as the host vehicle is turning in that direction.

  • The alert apparatus is designed to detect oncoming vehicles in adjacent lanes.
  • The system activates when the turn signal indicator of the host vehicle corresponds to the direction in which the oncoming vehicle is predicted to pass.
  • The alert is triggered to warn the driver of the potential danger of the oncoming vehicle while the host vehicle is turning.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in advanced driver assistance systems to enhance safety on the road by alerting drivers of potential collisions with oncoming vehicles during turns.

Problems Solved

This technology addresses the issue of blind spots and potential collisions with oncoming vehicles when a host vehicle is making a turn.


The alert system provides an additional layer of safety for drivers by warning them of potential hazards from oncoming vehicles during turns, reducing the risk of accidents.

Potential Commercial Applications

This technology could be integrated into vehicles as part of advanced safety features, appealing to consumers looking for enhanced driver assistance systems.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be existing blind spot detection systems that alert drivers of vehicles in adjacent lanes, but this specific application focuses on predicting the path of oncoming vehicles during turns.

Unanswered Questions

How does the alert apparatus differentiate between oncoming vehicles and vehicles in adjacent lanes that are not on a collision course with the host vehicle?

The system likely uses predictive algorithms to analyze the trajectory of oncoming vehicles and determine if they pose a potential collision risk during a turn.

What measures are in place to prevent false alarms or unnecessary alerts to the driver?

The system may incorporate sensors and data processing capabilities to ensure that alerts are only triggered when there is a high probability of a collision with an oncoming vehicle during a turn.

Original Abstract Submitted

An alert apparatus starts alerting a driver of a host vehicle, when an oncoming vehicle, that is an other vehicle traveling in an oncoming lane with respect to a traveling lane in which the host vehicle is traveling so as to approach the host vehicle and that is predicted to pass through on a specific direction side with respect to a current position of the host vehicle, is present, a turn signal indicator of the host vehicle corresponding to the specific direction side is being operated, and it is likely that the host vehicle starts turning to the specific direction side.