18419794. Multi-Channel Signal Encoding Method and Encoder simplified abstract (HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.)

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Multi-Channel Signal Encoding Method and Encoder

Organization Name



Zexin Liu of Shenzhen (CN)

Xingtao Zhang of Shenzhen (CN)

Haiting Li of Beijing (CN)

Lei Miao of Beijing (CN)

Multi-Channel Signal Encoding Method and Encoder - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18419794 titled 'Multi-Channel Signal Encoding Method and Encoder

Simplified Explanation

The multi-channel signal encoding method described in the abstract involves obtaining a multi-channel signal of a current frame, determining initial multi-channel parameters, calculating a difference parameter based on previous frames, determining multi-channel parameters of the current frame, and encoding the multi-channel signal based on these parameters.

  • Obtaining multi-channel signal of current frame
  • Determining initial multi-channel parameters
  • Calculating difference parameter based on previous frames
  • Determining multi-channel parameters of current frame
  • Encoding multi-channel signal based on parameters

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in audio and video encoding systems, virtual reality applications, and telecommunications for efficient data transmission and storage.

Problems Solved

This method solves the problem of efficiently encoding multi-channel signals by taking into account the characteristics of the current frame and differences from previous frames.


The benefits of this technology include improved data compression, reduced bandwidth requirements, enhanced audio and video quality, and optimized storage space utilization.

Potential Commercial Applications

  • Audio and video encoding systems
  • Virtual reality applications
  • Telecommunications industry

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the use of differential encoding techniques in audio and video compression algorithms to improve efficiency and reduce data redundancy.

Unanswered Questions

How does this method compare to existing multi-channel signal encoding techniques?

This article does not provide a direct comparison with existing methods in terms of performance, efficiency, or complexity.

What are the potential limitations or challenges of implementing this technology in real-world applications?

The article does not address the potential limitations or challenges that may arise when implementing this technology, such as computational requirements, compatibility issues, or scalability concerns.

Original Abstract Submitted

A multi-channel signal encoding method includes obtaining a multi-channel signal of a current frame; determining an initial multi-channel parameter of the current frame; determining a difference parameter based on the initial multi-channel parameter of the current frame and multi-channel parameters of previous K frames of the current frame, where the difference parameter represents a difference between the initial multi-channel parameter of the current frame and the multi-channel parameters of the previous K frames, and K is an integer greater than or equal to one; determining a multi-channel parameter of the current frame based on the difference parameter and a characteristic parameter of the current frame; and encoding the multi-channel signal based on the multi-channel parameter of the current frame.