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Organization Name

QUALCOMM Incorporated


Lenaig Genevieve Chaponniere of La Jolla CA (US)

Hong Cheng of Basking Ridge NJ (US)

Haris Zisimopoulos of London (GB)

Francesco Pica of San Diego CA (US)

Sebastian Speicher of Wallisellen (CH)

TECHNIQUES FOR EFFICIENT MOBILITY USING RELAY DEVICES - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18417575 titled 'TECHNIQUES FOR EFFICIENT MOBILITY USING RELAY DEVICES

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications involving determining whether a user equipment (UE) is inside or outside of a vehicle using a relay device. The UE and base station make decisions based on this determination to optimize connectivity and mobility.

  • User equipment (UE) and base station can determine if the UE is inside or outside a vehicle using a relay device.
  • The UE decides whether to connect to a cell of the relay device based on its location relative to the vehicle.
  • The base station adjusts connected mode mobility for the UE depending on whether it is inside or outside the vehicle.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in:

  • Automotive industry for improving in-vehicle wireless connectivity.
  • Public transportation systems to enhance communication services for passengers.

Problems Solved

  • Ensuring seamless connectivity for users transitioning between inside and outside of vehicles.
  • Optimizing network performance based on user location within a vehicle.


  • Improved user experience with reliable wireless connections.
  • Efficient use of network resources by adapting to user location changes.

Potential Commercial Applications

  • Mobile network operators can offer enhanced services for users in vehicles.
  • Vehicle manufacturers can integrate this technology to provide better connectivity options for drivers and passengers.

Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to techniques for determining user location within a vehicle and optimizing wireless connectivity based on this information.

Unanswered Questions

How does this technology impact battery life of user equipment inside a vehicle compared to outside?

The patent application does not address the potential impact on battery life of user equipment based on its location relative to a vehicle. This could be an important consideration for users concerned about power consumption.

What are the privacy implications of determining user location within a vehicle for wireless communications?

The patent application does not discuss the privacy implications of tracking user location within a vehicle for connectivity purposes. Understanding how this information is used and protected could be crucial for user acceptance and regulatory compliance.

Original Abstract Submitted

Methods, systems, and devices for wireless communications are described. A user equipment (UE) and a base station may determine whether the UE is inside or outside of a vehicle with a relay device. Techniques for determining whether the UE is inside or outside of the vehicle are described herein. The UE may determine whether to camp on a cell of the relay device based on whether the UE is inside or outside the vehicle. The base station may perform connected mode mobility for the UE based on whether the UE is inside or outside the vehicle.