18416889. Power Supply Controller simplified abstract (TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA)

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Power Supply Controller

Organization Name



Takuji Matsubara of Aichi-ken (JP)

Osamu Yumita of Aichi-ken (JP)

Naoki Hasegawa of Aichi-ken (JP)

Sa Kano of Aichi-ken (JP)

Power Supply Controller - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18416889 titled 'Power Supply Controller

Simplified Explanation

The power supply controller manages the distribution of electric power from a main power source to a facility with two power supply destinations. It also regulates power from a secondary source powered by batteries in electric vehicles parked at the facility. The controller prioritizes the main power source in case of abnormalities.

  • Controls electric power distribution from main and secondary sources
  • Manages power supply to a facility with two destinations
  • Prioritizes main power source in case of abnormalities

Key Features and Innovation

  • Dual power supply management system
  • Integration of electric vehicle batteries into power distribution
  • Automatic prioritization of power sources based on conditions

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in:

  • Smart buildings
  • Electric vehicle charging stations
  • Energy-efficient facilities

Problems Solved

  • Efficient power distribution in case of emergencies
  • Integration of renewable energy sources
  • Optimization of electric vehicle battery usage


  • Enhanced power supply reliability
  • Increased energy efficiency
  • Sustainable energy management

Commercial Applications

Title: Smart Power Management System for Facilities This technology can be utilized in various commercial settings such as:

  • Office buildings
  • Shopping malls
  • Parking garages

Prior Art

Researchers can explore prior art related to power supply controllers, electric vehicle integration, and smart building technologies.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on advancements in power supply management systems, electric vehicle technology, and renewable energy integration.

Questions about Power Supply Controller

How does the power supply controller prioritize between the main and secondary power sources?

The power supply controller prioritizes the main power source over the secondary source when there is an abnormality detected in the main power supply.

What are the potential benefits of integrating electric vehicle batteries into the power supply system of a facility?

Integrating electric vehicle batteries can provide backup power during emergencies, optimize energy usage, and promote sustainable practices.

Original Abstract Submitted

The power supply controller controls the supply of electric power from a first power supply source to a predetermined facility having a first power supply destination and a second power supply destination, and also controls the supply of electric power to the predetermined facility from the second power supply source that is powered by a battery installed in a plurality of electric vehicles parked in a parking lot attached to the predetermined facility. The power supply controller prioritizes the first power supply source over the second power supply source when there is an abnormality in the first power supply source.