18416655. RING-TYPE WEARABLE DEVICE simplified abstract (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Jin-hong Min of Suwon-si (KR)

Jea-hyuck Lee of Anyang-si (KR)

Seong-wook Jo of Suwon-si (KR)

Shin-hee Cho of Suwon-si (KR)

Su-ho Lee of Suwon-si (KR)

RING-TYPE WEARABLE DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18416655 titled 'RING-TYPE WEARABLE DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The disclosed ring-type wearable device includes an outer ring member, an inner ring member separably inserted into the outer ring member, a sensor unit in the outer ring member, and a control unit in the outer ring member connected to the sensor unit, with the sensor unit maintaining constant sensitivity based on the thickness of the inner ring member.

  • Outer ring member
  • Inner ring member
  • Sensor unit
  • Control unit
  • Constant sensitivity based on inner ring member thickness

Potential Applications

The technology could be used in various industries such as healthcare, fitness tracking, and security systems.

Problems Solved

The device solves the problem of maintaining constant sensitivity in a wearable device despite changes in the thickness of the inner ring member.


The device offers accurate and reliable data collection due to its ability to adjust sensitivity based on the inner ring member's thickness.

Potential Commercial Applications

The technology could be applied in the development of smart rings for health monitoring, activity tracking, and access control systems.

Possible Prior Art

There are existing wearable devices with sensors, but none specifically address the issue of maintaining constant sensitivity based on the thickness of an inner ring member.

Unanswered Questions

How does the device adjust sensitivity based on the thickness of the inner ring member?

The device likely uses a calibration process to adjust the sensor unit's sensitivity according to the specific thickness of the inner ring member.

What materials are used in the construction of the outer and inner ring members?

The materials used in the construction of the outer and inner ring members are not specified in the abstract.

Original Abstract Submitted

A ring-type wearable device is disclosed. The disclosed ring-type wearable device comprises: an outer ring member; an inner ring member separably inserted into the outer ring member; a sensor unit disposed in the outer ring member; and a control unit disposed in the outer ring member so as to be electrically connected to the sensor unit, wherein the sensor unit can maintain constant sensitivity in correspondence to the thickness of the inner ring member.