18413366. ESTIMATING RUNTIME-FRAME VELOCITY OF WEARABLE DEVICE simplified abstract (Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC)

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Organization Name

Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC


Evan Gregory Levine of Seattle WA (US)

Salim Sirtkaya of Redmond WA (US)

ESTIMATING RUNTIME-FRAME VELOCITY OF WEARABLE DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18413366 titled 'ESTIMATING RUNTIME-FRAME VELOCITY OF WEARABLE DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The wearable computing device described in the patent application is designed to be attached to a user's body and includes an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a processor. The processor receives kinematic data from the IMU while the device is attached to the user's body, performs coordinate transformations on the data, and computes velocity estimates based on machine learning models trained using training data.

  • The wearable computing device includes a device body that can be affixed to a user's body.
  • It contains an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a processor.
  • The processor receives kinematic data from the IMU while the device is attached to the user's body.
  • It performs coordinate transformations on the kinematic data to obtain velocity estimates.
  • The processor uses machine learning models trained with training data to compute velocity estimates.

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various fields such as sports performance analysis, physical therapy monitoring, and virtual reality gaming.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of accurately tracking and estimating velocity and motion data in real-time while a wearable device is attached to a user's body.


The benefits of this technology include improved accuracy in tracking user movement, enhanced user experience in interactive applications, and potential advancements in health monitoring and rehabilitation.

Potential Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications of this technology include fitness trackers, virtual reality devices, sports performance monitoring systems, and healthcare wearable devices.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be motion capture systems used in sports training and animation production, which also involve tracking and analyzing movement data.

Unanswered Questions

How does the device handle different types of physical activities and movements?

The patent application does not specify how the device adapts to various types of physical activities and movements to provide accurate velocity estimates.

What is the power consumption of the wearable computing device?

The patent application does not mention the power consumption of the device and how it affects its usability and battery life.

Original Abstract Submitted

A wearable computing device, including a device body configured to be affixed to a body of a user. The wearable computing device may further include an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and a processor. The processor may receive kinematic data from the IMU while the device body is affixed to the body of the user. The processor may perform a first coordinate transformation on the kinematic data into a training coordinate frame of a training wearable computing device. At a first machine learning model trained using training data including training kinematic data collected at the training wearable computing device, the processor may compute a training-frame velocity estimate for the wearable computing device based on the transformed kinematic data. The processor may perform a second coordinate transformation on the training-frame velocity estimate to obtain a runtime-frame velocity estimate and may output the runtime-frame velocity estimate to a target program.