18396451. HIGH-FREQUENCY POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM simplified abstract (DAIHEN Corporation)

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Organization Name

DAIHEN Corporation


Yuya Ueno of Osaka (JP)

Yuichi Hasegawa of Osaka (JP)

HIGH-FREQUENCY POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18396451 titled 'HIGH-FREQUENCY POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM

Simplified Explanation:

The high-frequency power supply system described in the patent application consists of two power supplies and two matchers. One power supply performs pulse modulation, while the other performs frequency modulation and frequency offset control.

  • The second power supply alternates between outputting a forward wave voltage and not outputting it through pulse modulation.
  • The first power supply controls the frequency during the second power supply's ON period and adjusts the frequency offset during the OFF period.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • Utilizes pulse modulation for one power supply and frequency modulation for the other.
  • Implements frequency offset control to adjust the fundamental frequency.
  • Enhances power supply efficiency and stability.

Potential Applications:

This technology can be applied in high-frequency power supply systems for various industries such as telecommunications, medical equipment, and industrial machinery.

Problems Solved:

  • Improves power supply efficiency.
  • Enhances frequency control accuracy.
  • Increases system stability.


  • Higher efficiency in power supply systems.
  • Improved frequency control for better performance.
  • Enhanced stability in high-frequency applications.

Commercial Applications:

Commercial Applications: Optimized high-frequency power supply systems for telecommunications, medical equipment, and industrial machinery.

Questions about High-Frequency Power Supply System:

1. How does the frequency modulation control work in the first power supply? 2. What are the potential benefits of implementing pulse modulation in power supply systems?

Original Abstract Submitted

A high-frequency power supply system according to the present disclosure includes a first power supply, a second power supply, a first matcher, and a second matcher. The second power supply performs pulse modulation of repeating an ON operation of outputting a second forward wave voltage and an OFF operation of not outputting the second forward wave voltage are repeated. The first power supply performs frequency modulation control in a second power supply ON period, and performs frequency offset control of outputting a forward wave voltage having a fundamental frequency obtained by adding an offset frequency to a fundamental frequency in a second power supply OFF period.