18395296. DISPLAY DEVICE simplified abstract (Samsung Display Co., LTD.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Display Co., LTD.


Dong Woo Kim of Yongin-si (KR)

Min Gyeong Shin of Yongin-si (KR)

Won Jun Lee of Yongin-si (KR)

DISPLAY DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18395296 titled 'DISPLAY DEVICE

The display device described in the patent application consists of pixels, each containing first to third sub-pixels. These sub-pixels include electrodes and integrated light-emitting elements.

  • Each sub-pixel has four electrodes spaced from each other, with an integrated light-emitting element connected to these electrodes.
  • The integrated light-emitting element in each sub-pixel includes a shape memory polymer coupled to the second end portion of each light-emitting element.
  • The first light-emitting element connects the first and fourth electrodes, the second connects the second and fourth electrodes, and the third connects the third and fourth electrodes.

Potential Applications: - This technology could be used in high-resolution displays for electronic devices. - It may find applications in the development of energy-efficient screens for various devices.

Problems Solved: - The technology addresses the need for improved display quality and energy efficiency in electronic devices.

Benefits: - Enhanced display quality with the use of integrated light-emitting elements. - Energy-efficient screens due to the design of the sub-pixels.

Commercial Applications: Title: Innovative Display Technology for High-Resolution Screens This technology could be commercially applied in the manufacturing of smartphones, tablets, and other electronic devices requiring high-resolution displays. It could also be utilized in the development of next-generation TVs and monitors.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the integration of light-emitting elements improve display quality? 2. What advantages does the use of shape memory polymers offer in this display technology?

Original Abstract Submitted

A display device comprises pixels, each of the pixels comprising first to third sub-pixels. Each of the first to third sub-pixels comprises: first to fourth electrode spaced from each other; and an integrated light-emitting element electrically connected to the first to fourth electrodes. The integrated light-emitting element comprises: a first light-emitting element comprising a first end portion connected to the first electrode and a second end portion connected to the fourth electrode; a second light-emitting element comprising a first end portion connected to the second electrode and a second end portion connected to the fourth electrode; a third light-emitting element comprising a first end portion connected to the third electrode and a second end portion connected to the fourth electrode; and a shape memory polymer coupled to the second end portion of each of the first to third light-emitting elements.