18394730. DEFLECTOR STRUCTURE simplified abstract (Volvo Truck Corporation)

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Organization Name

Volvo Truck Corporation


Elias Hoummadi of Lyon (FR)

Christophe Pras of Chassagny (FR)

DEFLECTOR STRUCTURE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18394730 titled 'DEFLECTOR STRUCTURE

The abstract describes a deflector structure for a truck unit with a cab, designed to create a barrier around the gap between the cab and the trailer being towed. The deflector structure includes a flexible frame attached to the cab, consisting of bouncy cushions that extend towards the trailer in an inflated state, along with a flexible canvas guided by the cushions to form the barrier.

  • The deflector structure is fixed to the cab of the truck unit.
  • It forms a barrier around the gap between the cab and the trailer.
  • The flexible frame includes bouncy cushions that extend rearward towards the trailer.
  • The cushions are inflated to provide flexibility and cushioning.
  • A flexible canvas is held by the frame and guided by the cushions to complete the barrier.

Potential Applications: - Enhancing aerodynamics of the truck unit. - Improving fuel efficiency by reducing drag. - Protecting the trailer from debris and wind resistance.

Problems Solved: - Minimizing air resistance between the cab and trailer. - Enhancing safety by reducing the risk of objects entering the gap. - Improving overall efficiency of the truck unit.

Benefits: - Increased fuel efficiency. - Enhanced safety for both the truck unit and the trailer. - Improved performance during towing operations.

Commercial Applications: Title: "Innovative Truck Deflector Structure for Improved Efficiency" This technology can be utilized in the trucking industry to optimize fuel consumption and enhance safety during transportation operations. It can be marketed to truck manufacturers, fleet operators, and logistics companies looking to improve the performance of their vehicles.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the deflector structure impact the overall aerodynamics of the truck unit? 2. What materials are used in the construction of the flexible frame and canvas?

Original Abstract Submitted

A deflector structure for a truck unit having a cab, the deflector structure being configured to form a barrier surrounding at least part of the gap between the cab and a trailer to be towed by the truck unit, the deflector structure comprising a flexible frame fixed to the cab, the flexible frame comprising a plurality of bouncy cushions extending rearwardly towards the trailer at least in an inflated configuration, and at least a flexible canvas held by the flexible frame and/or by the cab and guided by the bouncy cushions to form the barrier.