18393729. PIXEL CIRCUIT simplified abstract (Samsung Display Co., LTD.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Display Co., LTD.


SUNGWOOK Kim of Yongin-si (KR)

YOUNG-IN Hwang of Yongin-si (KR)

YOUNGWOO Park of Yongin-si (KR)

JEONG-SOO Lee of Yongin-si (KR)

PIXEL CIRCUIT - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18393729 titled 'PIXEL CIRCUIT

Simplified Explanation

The pixel circuit described in the patent application includes one or both of a first hold capacitor and a second hold capacitor. These capacitors are connected to various transistors within the circuit.

  • The first hold capacitor is linked to a first gate electrode of a first transistor and intermediate nodes of two sub-transistors.
  • The second hold capacitor is connected to the first gate electrode of the first transistor and intermediate nodes of two other sub-transistors.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Inclusion of first hold capacitor and second hold capacitor in the pixel circuit.
  • Connection of capacitors to different transistors and sub-transistors within the circuit.

Potential Applications

The technology could be applied in display panels, image sensors, and other electronic devices requiring pixel circuits.

Problems Solved

The pixel circuit design addresses the need for efficient charge storage and transfer within the circuit.


  • Improved performance and reliability of pixel circuits.
  • Enhanced image quality in display devices.

Commercial Applications

  • Display panel manufacturing industry.
  • Consumer electronics market for devices with high-quality displays.

Questions about Pixel Circuits

What are the main components of a pixel circuit?

A pixel circuit typically consists of transistors, capacitors, and other electronic components that work together to control the display of individual pixels.

How does the inclusion of hold capacitors benefit pixel circuits?

Hold capacitors help in storing and transferring charges within the circuit, leading to improved performance and reliability.

Original Abstract Submitted

A pixel circuit is disclosed that includes a first hold capacitor or a second hold capacitor or both the first and second hold capacitors. The first hold capacitor is connected to a first gate electrode of a first transistor and an intermediate node of a first sub-transistor and a second sub-transistor. The second hold capacitor is connected to the first gate electrode of the first transistor and an intermediate node of a third sub-transistor and a fourth sub-transistor.