18393354. MANAGING TRAP-UP IN A MEMORY SYSTEM simplified abstract (Micron Technology, Inc.)

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Organization Name

Micron Technology, Inc.


Pitamber Shukla of Boise ID (US)

Chi Ming W. Chu of Boise ID (US)

Avinash Rajagiri of Boise ID (US)

Ching-Huang Lu of Fremont CA (US)

Kenneth W. Marr of Boise ID (US)

MANAGING TRAP-UP IN A MEMORY SYSTEM - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18393354 titled 'MANAGING TRAP-UP IN A MEMORY SYSTEM

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes methods, systems, and devices for managing trap-up in a memory system. It involves determining whether to perform program and erase cycles on a memory block based on the threshold voltage distribution of a dummy word line associated with the block.

  • Trap-up management in a memory system
  • Scan operation to analyze threshold voltage distribution
  • Decision-making on program and erase cycles based on voltage levels
  • De-biasing operation for program and erase cycles
  • Memory block management based on cycling operations

Potential Applications: 1. Memory devices 2. Data storage systems 3. Semiconductor manufacturing

Problems Solved: 1. Efficient trap-up management in memory systems 2. Optimizing program and erase cycles for memory blocks

Benefits: 1. Improved memory system performance 2. Enhanced data retention capabilities 3. Extended lifespan of memory devices

Commercial Applications: Optimizing memory systems for various industries such as technology, telecommunications, and data centers to improve data storage efficiency and reliability.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior research on trap-up management in memory systems, threshold voltage distribution analysis, and program and erase cycle optimization in semiconductor devices.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on the latest advancements in memory system management, semiconductor technology, and data storage optimization for improved performance and reliability.

Questions about Trap-up Management: 1. How does trap-up management impact the overall performance of memory systems? 2. What are the key factors to consider when determining whether to perform program and erase cycles on a memory block?

  • Question 1:* How does trap-up management impact the overall performance of memory systems?
  • Answer 1:* Trap-up management plays a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and reliability of memory systems by optimizing program and erase cycles based on threshold voltage distributions.
  • Question 2:* What are the key factors to consider when determining whether to perform program and erase cycles on a memory block?
  • Answer 2:* Factors such as the voltage levels for de-biasing operations, threshold voltage distributions, and the history of prior program and erase cycles on the block are essential considerations in deciding whether to perform cycling operations.

Original Abstract Submitted

Methods, systems, and devices for managing trap-up in a memory system are described. A request to erase a block of a memory device may be received. Based on the request, a scan operation for determining whether a threshold voltage distribution for a dummy word line associated with the block satisfies one or more criteria may be performed. Based on the scan operation, whether to perform one or more program and erase cycles on the block using a first voltage level for a de-biasing operation of a program and erase (P/E) cycle may be determined. The first voltage level may be lower than a second voltage level for one or more prior de-biasing operations of one or more prior P/E cycles performed on the block. The block of memory may be managed based on whether the P/E cycling with the debiasing operation having the voltage level is performed.