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Organization Name



Xin Zhao of San Jose CA (US)

Guichun Li of San Jose CA (US)

Lien-Fei Chen of Hsinchu (TW)

Shan Liu of San Jose CA (US)

LOCAL ILLUMINATION COMPENSATION FOR BI-PREDICTION - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18381538 titled 'LOCAL ILLUMINATION COMPENSATION FOR BI-PREDICTION

The patent application describes processing circuitry that applies Local Intensity Compensation (LIC) to a current block based on a reference block in a reference picture. The circuitry calculates a weighted sum of terms and an offset for the LIC using parameter values, reconstructing the sample accordingly.

  • Processing circuitry applies LIC to a current block based on a reference block in a reference picture.
  • Weighted sum of terms and an offset are calculated for the LIC using parameter values.
  • Sample is reconstructed based on the calculated values.
  • Parameter values include weighting values for non-linear terms of reference samples.
  • The technology enhances image processing by improving intensity compensation techniques.

Potential Applications: - Image and video processing - Compression algorithms - Computer graphics

Problems Solved: - Improving image quality - Enhancing compression efficiency - Optimizing intensity compensation techniques

Benefits: - Enhanced visual quality - Improved compression ratios - More efficient image processing

Commercial Applications: Title: Enhanced Image Processing Technology for Compression Algorithms This technology can be utilized in various industries such as: - Media and entertainment - Surveillance systems - Medical imaging

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the technology improve image quality through intensity compensation? 2. What are the potential applications of this technology in the field of computer graphics?

Frequently Updated Research: Stay updated on the latest advancements in image processing techniques and compression algorithms to leverage the benefits of this technology.

Original Abstract Submitted

Processing circuitry receives coded information of a current block indicative of applying LIC on the current block according to at least a first reference block in a first reference picture. The processing circuitry determines, for a sample in the current block, at least a first reference sample in the first reference block, the first reference sample is co-located to the sample in the current block. The processing circuitry calculates a weighted sum of a plurality of terms and an offset for the LIC according to a plurality of parameter values for a plurality of parameters used in the LIC, and reconstructs the sample accordingly. The plurality of parameter values includes at least a first weighting value for a first weighting that is applied to a non-linear term of the first reference sample of a kth power, k is a power index value and is not equal to 1.