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Organization Name



Norifumi Nishikawa of Tokyo (JP)

Shinji Fujiwara of Tokyo (JP)

Mayuko Ozawa of Tokyo (JP)

Kazuhiko Mogi of Tokyo (JP)

Kazuo Goda of Tokyo (JP)

Yuto Hayamizu of Tokyo (JP)

DATABASE MANAGEMENT APPARATUS AND METHOD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18369923 titled 'DATABASE MANAGEMENT APPARATUS AND METHOD

The abstract discusses a method to improve the performance of join processing by limiting the scanning range of an inner table, even without search conditions or a partition key.

  • Column range indexes are used to represent a range of values stored in a table.
  • The database management apparatus identifies the possibility of a hit record in an inner table based on column range indexes.
  • This method can enhance the efficiency of join processing in database management systems.

Potential Applications: - Database management systems - Data analytics platforms - Data warehousing solutions

Problems Solved: - Enhances the performance of join processing - Reduces the scanning range of inner tables - Improves overall efficiency in database operations

Benefits: - Faster query processing - Optimal resource utilization - Enhanced scalability of database systems

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhanced Join Processing in Database Management Systems" This technology can be utilized in various industries such as e-commerce, finance, and healthcare for efficient data processing and analysis.

Questions about Enhanced Join Processing in Database Management Systems: 1. How does this method impact the overall performance of database operations?

  - This method significantly improves the efficiency of join processing by limiting the scanning range of inner tables, resulting in faster query processing.

2. What are the potential implications of implementing this technology in large-scale database systems?

  - Implementing this technology can lead to improved scalability, resource utilization, and overall performance in large-scale database systems.

Original Abstract Submitted

The scanning range of an inner table can be limited in the join processing irrespective of the existence of search conditions or a partition key, and the performance of the join processing can be improved. There is a column range index representing a range of values stored in a table. When a join result of a current stage is an outer table related to a join of a next stage in a join of each stage of the join processing, a database management apparatus identifies whether there is a possibility that an inner table related to a join of a next stage includes a hit record in an inner table related to a join of a current stage based on a column range index corresponding to a join column of a current stage and a column range index corresponding to a join column of a next stage.