18355158. All-Solid-State Battery Operable at Room Temperature and Low Pressure and Method of Manufacturing the Same simplified abstract (HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY)

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All-Solid-State Battery Operable at Room Temperature and Low Pressure and Method of Manufacturing the Same

Organization Name



Ga Hyeon Im of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Yun Sung Kim of Hwaseong-si (KR)

Sang Heon Lee of Yongin-si (KR)

Hong Seok Min of Yongin-si (KR)

Jang Wook Choi of Seoul (KR)

Ji Hoon Oh of Seoul (KR)

Noh Joon Lee of Seoul (KR)

Ye Eun Sohn of Seoul (KR)

All-Solid-State Battery Operable at Room Temperature and Low Pressure and Method of Manufacturing the Same - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18355158 titled 'All-Solid-State Battery Operable at Room Temperature and Low Pressure and Method of Manufacturing the Same

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes an all-solid-state battery with layers including an anode current collector, buffer layer, solid electrolyte layer, cathode active material layer, and cathode current collector. The buffer layer consists of an electrically conductive material and a metal capable of alloying with lithium.

  • The patent application focuses on an all-solid-state battery design.
  • The buffer layer includes an electrically conductive material and a metal that can alloy with lithium.
  • The layers in the battery are structured to enhance performance and stability.

Key Features and Innovation

  • All-solid-state battery design.
  • Buffer layer with electrically conductive material and lithium-alloying metal.
  • Enhanced performance and stability of the battery.

Potential Applications

The technology can be applied in various electronic devices, electric vehicles, and energy storage systems.

Problems Solved

The technology addresses issues related to battery performance, stability, and safety in all-solid-state batteries.


  • Improved battery performance.
  • Enhanced stability and safety.
  • Potential for use in various applications.

Commercial Applications

The technology has potential commercial applications in the electronics, automotive, and energy storage industries.

Prior Art

Readers can explore prior research on all-solid-state batteries, buffer layers, and lithium-alloying metals to understand the background of this technology.

Frequently Updated Research

Stay updated on the latest advancements in all-solid-state battery technology, buffer layer materials, and lithium-alloying metals for improved battery performance.

Questions about All-Solid-State Battery Technology

What are the key advantages of using an all-solid-state battery compared to traditional batteries?

All-solid-state batteries offer higher energy density, improved safety, and longer cycle life compared to traditional liquid electrolyte batteries.

How does the buffer layer in this battery design contribute to its overall performance?

The buffer layer enhances the stability and conductivity of the battery, leading to improved efficiency and longevity.

Original Abstract Submitted

An embodiment all-solid-state battery includes an anode current collector, a buffer layer disposed on the anode current collector, a solid electrolyte layer disposed on the buffer layer and including a solid electrolyte, a cathode active material layer disposed on the solid electrolyte layer, and a cathode current collector disposed on the cathode active material layer. The buffer layer includes a first layer disposed on the anode current collector and including an electrically conductive material, and a second layer disposed on the first layer and including a metal capable of alloying with lithium.