18315982. IMAGE SENSOR simplified abstract (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Jung Wook Lim of Suwon-si (KR)

IMAGE SENSOR - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18315982 titled 'IMAGE SENSOR

The image sensor described in the patent application consists of sub-pixels with photoelectric conversion regions, floating diffusion regions, and transfer transistors to move charges within the sensor.

  • The first sub-pixel includes a first photoelectric conversion region, a first floating diffusion region, and a first transfer transistor.
  • The second sub-pixel, adjacent to the first, includes a second photoelectric conversion region, a second floating diffusion region, and a second transfer transistor.
  • The first photoelectric conversion region may have sub-regions separated by a potential level isolation region to block charge movement.
  • The first transfer transistor includes sub-transfer transistors to move charges from the sub-regions to the floating diffusion region.

Potential Applications: - Digital cameras - Smartphone cameras - Surveillance systems

Problems Solved: - Improved image quality - Enhanced low-light performance - Higher resolution images

Benefits: - Better image clarity - Reduced noise in low-light conditions - Higher sensitivity to light

Commercial Applications: The technology can be utilized in various commercial products such as smartphones, digital cameras, security cameras, and medical imaging devices. It can improve the quality and performance of these products, leading to better user experiences and potentially increased sales.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does the potential level isolation region in the photoelectric conversion region improve image quality? 2. What are the specific advantages of using sub-transfer transistors in the transfer process within the sensor?

Original Abstract Submitted

An image sensor comprises a first sub-pixel comprising a first photoelectric conversion region, a first floating diffusion region, and a first transfer transistor to transfer charges accumulated in the first photoelectric conversion region to the first floating diffusion region; and a second sub-pixel adjacent to the first sub-pixel, and comprising a second photoelectric conversion region, a second floating diffusion region, and a second transfer transistor to transfer charges accumulated in the second photoelectric conversion region to the second floating diffusion region. The first photoelectric conversion region may comprise a first and a second sub-region partitioned by a potential level isolation region that blocks movement of charges, and the first transfer transistor may comprise a first sub-transfer transistor to transfer charges accumulated in the first sub-region to the first floating diffusion region, and a second sub-transfer transistor to transfer charges accumulated in the second sub-region to the first floating diffusion region.