18315377. IMAGE SENSOR WITH MULTIPLE IMAGE READOUT simplified abstract (QUALCOMM Incorporated)

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Organization Name

QUALCOMM Incorporated


Micha Galor Gluskin of San Diego CA (US)

Ying Noyes of San Diego CA (US)

Ho Sang Lee of San Diego CA (US)

IMAGE SENSOR WITH MULTIPLE IMAGE READOUT - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18315377 titled 'IMAGE SENSOR WITH MULTIPLE IMAGE READOUT

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes systems and techniques for imaging, specifically involving capturing images using different portions of an image sensor and adjusting image capture settings based on the captured images.

  • Systems and techniques for imaging
  • Capturing images using different portions of an image sensor
  • Adjusting image capture settings based on the captured images

Potential Applications

This technology could be applied in various fields such as photography, surveillance, medical imaging, and autonomous vehicles.

Problems Solved

This technology solves the problem of optimizing image capture settings for different portions of an image sensor, leading to improved image quality and accuracy.


The benefits of this technology include enhanced image quality, increased efficiency in image capture, and improved performance in various imaging applications.

Potential Commercial Applications

Potential commercial applications of this technology include camera systems, security cameras, medical imaging devices, and automotive cameras.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art could be the use of dual-camera systems in smartphones to capture images with different focal lengths.

What are the specific image capture settings that can be adjusted based on the second image?

The specific image capture settings that can be adjusted based on the second image include exposure, focus, white balance, and color saturation.

How does capturing images using different portions of an image sensor improve overall image quality?

Capturing images using different portions of an image sensor allows for more detailed and accurate image data to be captured, resulting in improved overall image quality.

Original Abstract Submitted

Systems and techniques are described for imaging. For instance a process can include obtaining a first image captured using a first portion of an image sensor. The process can further include obtaining a second image captured using a second portion of the image sensor, wherein the second portion is different from the first portion, determining an image capture setting based on the second image, and applying the image capture setting to the first image.