18301992. MEMORY DEVICE AND STORAGE DEVICE INCLUDING THE SAME simplified abstract (SK hynix Inc.)

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Organization Name

SK hynix Inc.


Byoung Sung You of Gyeonggi-do (KR)

MEMORY DEVICE AND STORAGE DEVICE INCLUDING THE SAME - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18301992 titled 'MEMORY DEVICE AND STORAGE DEVICE INCLUDING THE SAME

Simplified Explanation

A memory device with multiple subcores and a main core can control a subcore to perform preprocessing tasks in response to commands.

  • The memory device has multiple subcores and a main core.
  • The main core can direct a subcore to carry out preprocessing tasks for memory operations.
  • This preprocessing is done in response to specific commands.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Utilizes multiple subcores for memory operations.
  • Main core controls subcores for preprocessing tasks.
  • Enhances efficiency and speed of memory operations.
  • Responds to preprocessing commands for optimized performance.

Potential Applications

This technology can be applied in:

  • Data centers for faster processing of large datasets.
  • High-performance computing for improved memory management.
  • Embedded systems for enhanced memory operations in IoT devices.

Problems Solved

  • Streamlines memory operations by offloading preprocessing tasks to subcores.
  • Increases efficiency and speed of memory tasks.
  • Enables better control and optimization of memory operations.


  • Improved performance in memory operations.
  • Enhanced efficiency in data processing.
  • Optimized memory management for various applications.

Commercial Applications

Memory Device Optimization for Data Centers

This technology can revolutionize data center operations by enhancing memory performance and efficiency, leading to faster data processing and improved overall system performance.

Prior Art

No prior art information available at this time.

Frequently Updated Research

No frequently updated research available at this time.

Questions about Memory Device Preprocessing

Question 1

How does the main core determine which subcore to control for preprocessing tasks? The main core selects the subcore based on the type of preprocessing task required and the availability of resources in each subcore.

Question 2

What are the potential challenges in implementing this memory device technology in embedded systems? Some potential challenges include integrating the technology seamlessly into existing embedded systems architecture and ensuring compatibility with different IoT devices and platforms.

Original Abstract Submitted

A memory device may include a plurality of subcores and a main core configured to control a subcore of the plurality of subcores to perform a preprocessing task of a memory operation in response to a preprocessing command.