18285601. SENSOR DEVICE simplified abstract (Sony Group Corporation)

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Organization Name

Sony Group Corporation


Kazuo Hongo of Chiba (JP)

SENSOR DEVICE - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18285601 titled 'SENSOR DEVICE

Simplified Explanation

The sensor device described in the patent application uses mirrors and light to detect a force sense in a simpler and smaller mechanism.

  • The device has a force acting portion attached to an exterior portion via a flexible body.
  • It includes a reflection space surrounded by mirrors where light is emitted to detect the force sense.
  • An imaging unit captures an image of the force sense detection region.

Key Features and Innovation

  • Sensor device with a force acting portion and reflection space for detecting force sense.
  • Use of mirrors and light source for accurate detection.
  • Imaging unit to capture force sense detection region.

Potential Applications

The technology can be used in:

  • Medical devices for pressure sensing.
  • Robotics for force feedback.
  • Automotive industry for safety systems.

Problems Solved

  • Simplifies force sensing mechanisms.
  • Provides accurate detection of force sense.
  • Reduces the size of sensor devices.


  • Improved accuracy in force sensing.
  • Smaller and simpler sensor design.
  • Enhanced performance in various applications.

Commercial Applications

Title: Advanced Force Sensing Technology for Various Industries The technology can be applied in:

  • Healthcare for medical devices.
  • Manufacturing for quality control.
  • Automotive for safety systems.

Prior Art

Information on prior art related to this technology is not provided in the patent application.

Frequently Updated Research

There is no information on frequently updated research relevant to this technology.

Questions about Force Sensing Technology

Question 1

How does the use of mirrors and light source improve force sensing accuracy? The mirrors and light source create a reflection space that enhances the detection of force sense by providing a clear image of the force acting portion.

Question 2

What are the potential challenges in implementing this sensor device in different industries? The main challenges could include calibration for specific applications, integration with existing systems, and cost-effectiveness in mass production.

Original Abstract Submitted

There is provided a sensor device to detect a force sense with a smaller and simpler mechanism. The sensor device includes: a force acting portion exposed from an opening provided on an exterior portion and attached to an inside of the exterior portion via a flexible body; a reflection space of which at least two surfaces are surrounded by a first mirror provided on an inner bottom surface of the exterior portion and a second mirror provided on a surface of the force acting portion or flexible body, the surface facing the first mirror; and a light source unit configured to emit light to the reflection space; and an imaging unit provided on the inner bottom surface of the exterior portion and configured to capture an image including a force sense detection region in which reflection light of the light emitted from the light source unit is seen.