18284629. Foreign Matter Removal Device simplified abstract (LG Energy Solution, Ltd.)

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Foreign Matter Removal Device

Organization Name

LG Energy Solution, Ltd.


Sang Jin Hong of Daejeon (KR)

Yu Sang Jeong of Daejeon (KR)

Guktae Kim of Daejeon (KR)

Foreign Matter Removal Device - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18284629 titled 'Foreign Matter Removal Device

Simplified Explanation: The foreign matter removal device described in the patent application removes foreign matters from the surface of an electrode that is continuously moving in one direction. It consists of a blowing unit that directs air towards the electrode surface, a suction unit that removes the foreign matters from the surface, and an extension unit with an adjustment unit recessed away from the electrode surface.

  • The device removes foreign matters from the surface of a moving electrode.
  • It includes a blowing unit, a suction unit, and an extension unit with an adjustment unit.
  • The blowing unit blows air towards the electrode surface to dislodge foreign matters.
  • The suction unit then sucks away the separated foreign matters.
  • The extension unit connects the blowing and suction units, with the adjustment unit for fine-tuning.

Potential Applications: 1. Manufacturing processes involving electrodes. 2. Cleaning and maintenance of electrode surfaces in various industries. 3. Quality control in electrode production.

Problems Solved: 1. Efficient removal of foreign matters from electrode surfaces. 2. Continuous cleaning of moving electrodes. 3. Precision adjustment for optimal cleaning.

Benefits: 1. Improved electrode performance. 2. Enhanced product quality. 3. Reduced maintenance downtime.

Commercial Applications: The device can be used in industries such as electronics, automotive, and aerospace for cleaning and maintaining electrodes used in various processes.

Prior Art: No specific information on prior art related to this technology is provided in the abstract.

Frequently Updated Research: There is no information on frequently updated research related to this technology in the abstract.

Questions about Foreign Matter Removal Device: 1. How does the blowing unit help in removing foreign matters from the electrode surface? 2. What industries can benefit the most from using this foreign matter removal device?

Original Abstract Submitted

A foreign matter removal device according to an embodiment of the present disclosure removes foreign matters on the surface of an electrode that is continuously transferred along one direction, and includes a blowing unit that blows air toward the electrode surface, a suction unit that sucks foreign matters separated from the electrode surface, and an extension unit extending between the blowing unit and the suction unit, wherein the extension unit is formed with an adjustment unit recessed in a direction away from the electrode surface.