18283687. AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM AND AUTHENTICATION METHOD simplified abstract (NEC Corporation)

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Organization Name

NEC Corporation


Yasuji Saito of Tokyo (JP)

AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM AND AUTHENTICATION METHOD - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18283687 titled 'AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM AND AUTHENTICATION METHOD

Simplified Explanation

The present invention is an authentication system with two areas, where the second area can only be accessed after passing through the first area. The system determines the entrance to the second area based on the authentication information provided by the user when entering the first area.

  • The authentication system has two areas: a first area and a second area.
  • Users must pass through the first area to access the second area.
  • Authentication information is determined when a user enters the first area.
  • The system then determines the necessary authentication information for the user to enter the second area based on the initial authentication information.

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in secure facilities, data centers, or any location where restricted access is required.

Problems Solved

This system solves the problem of unauthorized access to restricted areas by implementing a two-step authentication process.


The two-step authentication process provides an extra layer of security, ensuring that only authorized users can access the second area.

Potential Commercial Applications

This technology could be valuable for companies that need to secure sensitive information or areas within their facilities.

Possible Prior Art

One possible prior art for this technology could be traditional two-step authentication systems used in various industries for access control.

Unanswered Questions

How does the system handle authentication failures?

The article does not mention how the system deals with authentication failures or what steps are taken if a user fails to pass through the first area successfully.

What types of authentication methods are supported by the system?

The article does not specify the types of authentication methods that can be used within the system or if it supports multiple options for users to choose from.

Original Abstract Submitted

The present invention provides an authentication system () provided with a first area, and a second area being able to enter after passing the first area, and configured to determine entrance to the second area, and the authentication system () determines authentication information being used when a user enters the first area, and determines authentication information necessary for the user to enter the second area according to the determined authentication information.