18280861. Display Apparatus And Electronic Device simplified abstract (SEMICONDUCTOR ENERGY LABORATORY CO., LTD.)

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Display Apparatus And Electronic Device

Organization Name



Nobuharu Ohsawa of Zama, Kanagawa (JP)

Toshiki Sasaki of Kawasaki, Kanagawa (JP)

Display Apparatus And Electronic Device - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18280861 titled 'Display Apparatus And Electronic Device

Simplified Explanation

The novel display apparatus described in the patent application includes a first light-emitting device and a second light-emitting device, with the second device adjacent to the first. The first device has a first unit emitting light, a second unit emitting light, a first intermediate layer, and a first layer. The second device includes a third unit emitting light, a fourth unit emitting light, a second intermediate layer, and a second layer. Spaces are provided between the layers and units.

  • Explanation of the patent/innovation:
 - The display apparatus consists of two light-emitting devices with multiple layers and units.
 - Unpaired electrons with specific spin densities are observed in the first layer of the first light-emitting device.
 - The second light-emitting device has a similar structure with spaces between layers and units.
  • Potential applications of this technology:
 - Advanced display screens for electronic devices
 - High-resolution and energy-efficient lighting solutions
  • Problems solved by this technology:
 - Improved display quality and brightness
 - Enhanced durability and reliability of light-emitting devices
  • Benefits of this technology:
 - Increased visibility and clarity in display screens
 - Energy-saving features for longer device usage
  • Potential commercial applications of this technology:
 - Consumer electronics industry for smartphones, tablets, and TVs
 - Lighting industry for energy-efficient and high-quality lighting solutions
  • Possible prior art:
 - Prior art related to display technologies and light-emitting devices may exist, but specific examples are not provided in the patent application.
      1. Unanswered Questions:
        1. What materials are used in the construction of the light-emitting devices?

The patent application does not specify the exact materials used in the layers and units of the light-emitting devices.

        1. How does the spin density of unpaired electrons impact the performance of the display apparatus?

The patent application mentions specific spin densities of unpaired electrons but does not elaborate on how this affects the functionality or efficiency of the display apparatus.

Original Abstract Submitted

A novel display apparatus that is highly convenient, useful, or reliable is provided. The display apparatus includes a first light-emitting device and a second light-emitting device, and the second light-emitting device is adjacent to the first light-emitting device. The first light-emitting device includes a first unit emitting light, a second unit emitting light, a first intermediate layer, and a first layer. The first intermediate layer is interposed between the second unit and the first unit. The first layer is interposed between the first intermediate layer and the first unit. In the first layer, unpaired electrons are able to be observed at a spin density greater than or equal to 1×10spins/cmand less than or equal to 1×10spins/cm. The second light-emitting device includes a third unit emitting light, a fourth unit emitting light, a second intermediate layer, and a second layer. The second intermediate layer is interposed between the fourth unit and the third unit. The second layer is interposed between the second intermediate layer and the third unit. A space is provided between the second intermediate layer and the first intermediate layer. A space is provided between the second layer and the first layer.