18279249. Software Update Device, Software Update System, and Software Update Method simplified abstract (HITACHI ASTEMO, LTD.)

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Software Update Device, Software Update System, and Software Update Method

Organization Name



Hidetoshi Teraoka of Tokyo (JP)

Masashi Yano of Tokyo (JP)

Software Update Device, Software Update System, and Software Update Method - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18279249 titled 'Software Update Device, Software Update System, and Software Update Method

Simplified Explanation: The patent application describes a software update device that can update multiple software units using different control units.

Key Features and Innovation:

  • The device includes separate control units for updating different software units.
  • The first control unit sends commands to update the first software unit on a specific platform.
  • The second control unit simulates the second software unit on the same platform and updates it based on received commands.

Potential Applications: This technology can be used in automotive systems, industrial machinery, and other complex systems with multiple software units that require updates.

Problems Solved: This technology streamlines the software update process for multiple units, reducing the complexity and time required for updates.


  • Efficient software updates for multiple units.
  • Simplified control and management of software updates.
  • Enhanced system performance through timely updates.

Commercial Applications: The technology can be applied in the automotive industry for updating electronic control units (ECUs) and in various industrial settings for managing software updates in complex machinery.

Prior Art: Readers can explore prior patents related to software update devices, control units, and simulation technologies in the field of software management.

Frequently Updated Research: Stay informed about advancements in software update technologies, control systems, and simulation methods for software units.

Questions about Software Update Devices: 1. What are the key advantages of using separate control units for updating different software units? 2. How does the simulation of software units on a single platform enhance the efficiency of software updates?

Original Abstract Submitted

A software update device (gateway) includes a first update control unit that performs software update for a first software unit (for example, an ECU_A and an ECU_B ) and a second update control unit that performs software update for a second software unit (for example, an ECU_C and an ECU_D ). Also, the first update control unit includes a first sequence control unit that transmits a control command directed to a first platform, and the second update control unit includes a pseudo update execution unit that simulates the second software unit as a software unit on the first platform and performs the software update for the second software unit on the basis of reception of a control command for the second software unit simulated on the first platform.