18278398. RADIO-FREQUENCY RETUNING METHOD AND APPARATUS simplified abstract (Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd.


Xuemei Qiao of Beijing (CN)

RADIO-FREQUENCY RETUNING METHOD AND APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18278398 titled 'RADIO-FREQUENCY RETUNING METHOD AND APPARATUS

The abstract describes a method and apparatus for radio-frequency retuning, specifically targeting symbols between the starting and ending symbols of two hops in a message.

  • The method involves determining target symbols for RF retuning located between the starting and ending symbols of two hops in a message.
  • RF retuning processing is then performed on the target symbols to optimize radio-frequency performance.

Potential Applications: This technology can be applied in wireless communication systems to improve signal quality and reliability. It can also be used in IoT devices, mobile phones, and other wireless devices to enhance connectivity.

Problems Solved: This technology addresses issues related to radio-frequency interference and signal degradation in wireless communication systems. It helps optimize radio-frequency performance for better overall system efficiency.

Benefits: Improved signal quality and reliability in wireless communication systems. Enhanced connectivity and performance in IoT devices and mobile phones. Optimized radio-frequency performance for better overall system efficiency.

Commercial Applications: This technology can be utilized by telecommunications companies, IoT device manufacturers, and mobile phone companies to enhance the performance of their products. It can also be integrated into wireless communication infrastructure to improve signal quality and reliability.

Questions about the technology: 1. How does this technology improve radio-frequency performance in wireless communication systems? 2. What are the potential applications of this technology in IoT devices and mobile phones?

Original Abstract Submitted

A radio-frequency retuning method and apparatus. The method comprises: determining at least one target symbol for radio-frequency retuning (RF retuning), wherein the at least one target symbol is located between a starting symbol of a first hop of msg3 and an ending symbol of a second hop thereof, and performing RF retuning processing on the target symbol.