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Organization Name



Cyprien Lemouchi of Ouistreham (FR)

Régis Barille of Angers (FR)

Arnaud Travert of Caen (FR)

Loïc Le Pluart of Saint Germain la Blanche Herbe (FR)

OPTOMECHANICAL TRANSDUCER - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18262962 titled 'OPTOMECHANICAL TRANSDUCER

Simplified Explanation

The patent application describes an optomechanical transducer with a tuning fork made of piezoelectric material, where a photoactive film with photo-switchable molecules is deposited on at least one arm of the tuning fork. This film undergoes a shape change in response to light absorption, leading to a change in the stiffness coefficient of the tuning fork.

  • The optomechanical transducer includes a tuning fork made of piezoelectric material with a photoactive film deposited on at least one arm.
  • The photoactive film contains photo-switchable molecules that change shape in response to light absorption, altering the stiffness coefficient of the tuning fork.

Potential Applications

This technology could be used in:

  • Frequency modulation atomic force microscopes
  • Sensors for detecting light-induced molecular changes

Problems Solved

  • Precise control of stiffness coefficient in optomechanical systems
  • Sensing molecular changes with high sensitivity


  • Enhanced sensitivity in detecting molecular changes
  • Improved performance of frequency modulation atomic force microscopes

Potential Commercial Applications

  • Scientific research institutions
  • Biotechnology companies

Possible Prior Art

There may be prior art related to:

  • Optomechanical transducers with photoactive materials
  • Atomic force microscopes with frequency modulation capabilities

Unanswered Questions

How does the tuning fork respond to different wavelengths of light?

The patent application does not specify how the tuning fork reacts to various wavelengths of light and if there are limitations in the photo-switching process based on the wavelength used.

What is the expected lifespan of the photoactive film on the tuning fork?

The durability and longevity of the photoactive film deposited on the tuning fork are not addressed in the patent application, leaving uncertainty about its practical lifespan in real-world applications.

Original Abstract Submitted

An optomechanical transducer, including a tuning fork made of piezoelectric material including two arms, at least one photoactive film partially deposited on at least one part of at least one of the arms of the tuning fork, the at least one photoactive film including photo-switchable molecules, suitable for molecular switching between a first molecular configuration and a second molecular configuration in response to the absorption of light at a defined, so-called photo-isomerisation wavelength, so that the photoactive film undergoes a shape change that induces a change in the stiffness coefficient of the tuning fork is disclosed. A probe is also provided for a frequency modulation atomic force microscope and to such a microscope.