18222155. DISPLAY APPARATUS simplified abstract (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.)

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Organization Name

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Donggun Lee of Suwon-si (KR)

Punjae Choi of Suwon-si (KR)

Youngjin Choi of Suwon-si (KR)

DISPLAY APPARATUS - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18222155 titled 'DISPLAY APPARATUS

Simplified Explanation

The display apparatus described in the patent application includes a display panel with pixels that have red, green, and blue LEDs. A display panel driver applies a current to each of the LEDs, and a memory stores current intensity information based on the target luminance of each LED. A processor controls the display panel driver to apply the current to each LED based on the current intensity information. Specifically, the processor is configured to apply an additional current to the green LED when the target luminance of the red LED is smaller than a predetermined luminance.

  • The display apparatus has a display panel with pixels containing red, green, and blue LEDs.
  • A display panel driver applies a current to each LED.
  • A memory stores current intensity information based on the target luminance of each LED.
  • A processor controls the display panel driver to apply the current to each LED based on the current intensity information.
  • The processor applies an additional current to the green LED when the target luminance of the red LED is smaller than a predetermined luminance.

Potential Applications:

  • This display apparatus can be used in various electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, televisions, and computer monitors.
  • It can enhance the color accuracy and overall visual quality of displays by adjusting the current intensity of each LED based on the target luminance.

Problems Solved:

  • The technology solves the problem of inconsistent luminance levels between different color LEDs in a display panel.
  • It addresses the issue of color imbalances and inaccurate color reproduction in displays.


  • Improved color accuracy and uniformity in displays.
  • Enhanced visual experience for users.
  • More efficient use of LED power, leading to energy savings.

Original Abstract Submitted

A display apparatus includes a display panel including a plurality of pixels each having red, green, and blue LEDs; a display panel driver applying a current to each of the LEDs; a memory storing current intensity information according to target luminance of each of the LEDs; and a processor controlling the display panel driver to apply a current to each of the LEDs based on the current intensity information, wherein the processor is configured to control the display panel driver to apply an additional current to the green LED when a target luminance of the red LED is smaller than a predetermined luminance.