18171528. NONLINEAR CHANNEL simplified abstract (International Business Machines Corporation)

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Organization Name

International Business Machines Corporation


Ruilong Xie of Niskayuna NY (US)

Julien Frougier of Albany NY (US)

Susan Ng Emans of Albany NY (US)

Andrew M. Greene of Slingerlands NY (US)

NONLINEAR CHANNEL - A simplified explanation of the abstract

This abstract first appeared for US patent application 18171528 titled 'NONLINEAR CHANNEL

The abstract describes a finFET with a nonlinear channel that increases channel length compared to a linear fin, reducing short channel effects.

  • The nonlinear channel includes arced, curved, or segmented sidewalls defining a channel width and length.
  • Increased channel length within the gate footprint limits short channel effects by reducing electric field along the channel.
  • The innovation aims to improve device performance and reliability by mitigating short channel effects.

Potential Applications: - Semiconductor devices - Integrated circuits - High-performance computing

Problems Solved: - Short channel effects in finFETs - Improved device performance and reliability

Benefits: - Enhanced device performance - Reduced short channel effects - Increased reliability

Commercial Applications: Title: "Enhancing Semiconductor Device Performance with Nonlinear Channel FinFETs" This technology can be applied in the semiconductor industry for the development of high-performance computing devices, integrated circuits, and other electronic applications.

Questions about Nonlinear Channel FinFETs: 1. How does the nonlinear channel design impact short channel effects in finFETs?

  The nonlinear channel increases channel length within the gate footprint, reducing electric field and limiting short channel effects.

2. What are the potential applications of finFETs with a nonlinear channel design?

  The technology can be utilized in semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and high-performance computing for improved device performance and reliability.

Original Abstract Submitted

A finFET that includes a nonlinear channel is presented. The nonlinear channel includes one or more arced, curved, segmented, or the like, sidewall(s) that define a channel width and a channel length. The nonlinear channel provides a relatively increased channel length compared to a linear fin that is orientated orthogonal to the gate width. As such, channel length of the nonlinear channel may be relatively increased within the confines of the gate. In other words, short channel effects may be limited due to a reduced electric field along the nonlinear channel due to the relatively increased channel or fin length within the footprint of the gate.